Social Welfare
PART ONE… Policy Case Scenario A. Read and Review the Case Insert 6.9 on page 51 in the Jansson Textbook… > Using hypothetical names and a neighborhood of your choice go to the census website and look over Louisiana or New Orleans census data by neighborhood or community and discuss each point mentioned in the above case ( basing the case on your information )… > After your case discussion, explain how the Federal Minimum Wage Meets Ethical Standards for Social Justice.
( For example, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25, which is below the 2013 poverty wage level of 8.11 for a full time single parent of one child. ( Marsh, 2013 )… The Federal Minimum Wage ( 2020 ) is 7.25 per hour… Louisiana Minimum Wage is 7.25 ( equal to Federal Minimum Wage )…. Keep in mind that poverty has multiple interlaced causes, and low wages contributes to income inequality, which can lead to poor housing conditions, and other factors that perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
PART TWO… NEW DEAL ERA / POLICY ISSUES > Identify two ( 2 ) learning experiences or opportunities that can be used today (contemporary society ) relative to the persistence of unmet needs that existed during the New Deal Era. ( i.e. policies such as social security, maternal and child welfare, unemployment compensation, aid to families with dependent children, work programs )