Software Testing Tool
Provide an overview of the capabilities of a software testing tool. The tools listed below are simply examples of some of the many tools in this area. Your summary should be 2-4 pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font. Discuss whether the tool you chose would be appropriate for small projects, e.g., an agile project, or a large project, involving potentially hundreds of developers. List the features of the tool. Does it support “statement coverage, decision coverage, condition coverage, MC/DC, mutation testing”, … A table listing the testing criteria that we have talked about in class with a checkmark for the ones covered by the tool would be a good way to present this information. Possible testing tools: JUnit, CppUnit (or other XUnit), FIT, FitNesse, qTest, Zephyr, etc. Remember to appropriately cite any publications you use in writing your overview.