Sprouts Farmers Market

Company Selection: Explain why you have you chosen this company for your final project (personal interest, business interest, professional interest, etc.) ***I chose: Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.  // I chose sprouts due to their organic and fresh productss.  The strength of its employees and the undeniable services provided to the customer creates a more sustainable corporation.  Online shopping is one of the top resellers for dispersing and moving product.  Having the option for delivery and curbside pickup is a game changer with prices that are competitive with the retail industry.  Having stores that are not limited to food and beverages only, creates a thorough shopping experience for the consumer.  Sprouts is simply cultivating in a market that was needed. The products from farm to table, organics, and local (within 500 miles) farmers stands Sprouts out from other grocery retailers locally and nationally. *** ?  Financial Context: Key Goods or Services/Features: Describe the key goods and services your selected organization provides. Include information about where, why, and for whom they are provided. Separate the financial interest of the company into financial and nonfinancial features. For example: Are they a manufacturer offering their own financing to customers? Is the company currently facing any financial woes? Explain how these features of the organization (e.g., major products or services, customers, location) help set the boundaries for business decisions. ?  Financial Context: Organized: Describe how the company is organized (by product groups, geographic region, function, etc.). Explain how the organization of the company affects accounting and financial information and subsequent business decisions. Hint: A good place to search for this information is in the notes in financial statements. For example: Is the company filing using GAAP, and are there any provisions for non-GAAP filing? Or, how are revenues treated from foreign subsidiaries? The short paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 1 to 2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and 3 SCHOLARLY citations in the latest APA style.

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Sprouts Farmers Market
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