Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice
Part 1 and part 2 response in one essay 1250-1500 words. in text cites (our book is Statistics for criminology and criminal justice 4th edition ronet bachman , raymond Paternoster) Part 1. Based on this article answer these questions Be sure to use references to support your opinions. Do some research to create well rounded responses. Are you surprised by anything that is said on this website? Why do you think many people are so quick to believe reported statistics? Give some examples of instances where you often see statistics taken out of context. (search the Internet for other examples and explain why you think they are out of context). Part 2. “In America, more preschoolers are shot dead each year (82 in 2013) than police officers are in the line of duty (27 in 2013), according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI.” This quote is from an article (Links to an external site.), (non-paywall link here (Links to an external site.)) written by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, published on Oct 3, 2015 and has since been making the rounds on social media. On its face, this seems like just one more indictment against guns in America, especially after the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon on Oct 1, 2015. While the loss of any life is heartbreaking, the loss of innocent children is the particularly hard to accept; which makes it a great way to lie with numbers and use empathy to gain support of the public. If those numbers dont seem dubious to you, then dont worry, youre not the only one (Links to an external site.), is an independent fact-checking journalism website aimed at bringing you the truth in politics. They examined this claim by Mr. Kristof and rated it mostly true Their basis for mostly is them being overly conservative, the claim made by Mr. Kristof is true. The numbers are correct, numbers don’t lie. Unfortunately people do, you see it all the time all over the Internet. People will post “facts” that are at best disingenuous, and at worst, completely fabricated. The most dangerous types of “fact” are the ones that are born from real data, but are then represented in a way that distorts the true meaning. As a critical consumer of information, use the knowledge you have accumulated in this class so far to: Point out as many possible flaws with this statement. Think of the ways you would lie with statistics to further an agenda. Now keep in mind, for the sake of this assignment, the numbers reported are correct, but that does not mean they represent the whole picture or that the quote is meaningful in a way beyond comparing two numbers. Your response should be 1250-1500 words, in APA format, 12pt font, 1″ margins, Cover page (abstract not required), references page, etc. Make sure to use a .doc, docx, or rtf file format and attach the file when submitting. This assignment is due at the end of the week assigned by 1159pm. Please see the class schedule located in the course syllabus for specific dates. This assignment has a minimum of seven (7) required sources. While the video and provided link can count as one source, this means you need to find additional sources to add detail and support to your answers. Look for real world examples in the news, peer reviewed journals, etc.