Still Alice
In the book Still Alice by Lisa Genova, pick a favorite character or None favorite character you would like to talk about.(Book can be found on Kindle it’s an application on the phone) When you prepare a literary analysis the steps you follow are the same as those for writing an essay: prewrite, identify your thesis, support the thesis with evidence, organize the evidence, write the draft; revise for overall structure and paragraph development, edit and proofread.
ThesisThe thesis statement is one of the (if not the) most important parts of your paper think of it as the foundation of a house if your foundation is weak and poorly constructed, what do you think happens to the house?The analysis will need a strong thesis that states a writers perspective but also allows it to be debated.
The thesis should state a writers opinion, but it should also allow readers to arrive at their own conclusions.EvidenceOnce you have composed your working thesis return to highlighted/annotated sections of the novel to collect evidence to support your claim.
Once you are sure that you have collected sufficient evidence to support/prove your thesis, it is time to compose your outline. You will find the outline template here.