watch video first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG8iaAFAM58&t=2097s Write a 500-word paper reflecting on the film and the important questions that it raises. Below is a list of discussion points that you may choose to cover in your paper. *One of the biggest questions surrounding Exit Through the Gift Shop is whether the movie is fact or fiction. Did Banksy stage the whole affair to make a statement about the commercialization of street art, or is the monster born out of Thierry Guetta real? Whether it is real or not, both sides of the argument make for compelling discussion. The fact that Thierry never truly understood the meaning behind what street artists (or any artists for that matter) makes a powerful point to both side of the augment. *Do you think the film is a real documentary of a mockumentary? What statements about art do both make? *Is posting a form repeatedly a form of artistic expression or does it become a brand or a logo for self-promotion? (Consider the McDonalds arches vs. the Mona Lisa) *What is more important the art or the making of the art? *Many street artists are showcased in this film. What would you say they are trying to get across to the public with their graffiti/art? *Do you consider graffiti to be art/an art form or vandalism? Why? *Does the cost of a piece of art speak to the worth of a piece of art? *What role does marketing play in the success of a piece of art and theyre for the success of an artist. *What is more important: the artistic statement of a piece or the marketing/recognition of a piece of art? *What is the importance of a piece of art that is never seen? *Can you find the same depth in outsider art or graffiti art that you can find in art done by a trained artist? *What role or influence has outsider art played in your life? *What does this film say about art as a commodity? What is your opinion of art as a commodity?