Structures and Functions of Bacteria Discussion
Structures and Functions of Bacteria Discussion
You have studied some microbes that cause disease. Understanding how microbes grow and multiply is important when identifying and dealing with transmission of infection. This week will focus on bacteria. Think about what you already know about bacteria, how they are structured, function, and replicate. Discuss what you need to know in order to deal in the field with bacterial outbreaks.
Exercise 2
Work through the tutorial section on prokaryotes
Work through the Khan Academy video on Bacteria
Video 1
Video 2
Design and submit a concept map on what you have learned. It should include concepts and connections between concepts including:
Bacteria Structure
Bacteria Function
Transmission and replication
Exercise 3:
Activity 1: 3D Models of Bacterium
Construct a 3D model of two bacteria, cocci and bacilli . You can use clay, food, or other materials. You will need to use the information you learned during the task.
How is the size of the bacterium different than that of viruses?
Take a picture of your bacteria to upload it along with your answer to the question.
Activity 2: Cultivate the bacteria that grow on your hand
Ingredients: small airtight container, gelatin dessert
Structures and Functions of Bacteria Discussion
If you buy gelatin from a package, follow the instructions to make it. If you cannot make the gelatin yourself, you can buy gelatin already made. (try to find a clear gelatin if possible)
Heat water on the stove and add the package contents to it, stirring the mixture vigorously until the gelatin grains dissolve. While the solution is still hot, pour into container where you want to cultivate your bacteria, and put the lid on in order to avoid contamination.
Store the container in the fridge overnight so the gelatin can solidify.
Remove from fridge once solid, touch the surface of the gelatin with your fingers
Put the lid on again and leave the container at room temp or near the radiator for 2 days.
After a few days you will see some white spots on the gelatin. These are your hands skin bacteria. Even if you try to wash your hands and repeat the experiment again, we will always have bacteria on our hands.
Leave the gelatin for longer to see how much the bacteria grow.
Write up what happened during the lab. Provide an explanation for your results.
Activity 3: Bacterial ID Lab
Complete the Bacterial ID Lab.
Activity 4: Case Study
Complete the case study, Microbial Pie, or What Did You Feed the Neighbors?