[ORDER SOLUTION] Substantia Nigra
I’ve written 1/2 my discussion section and need help writing it to max 1000 words or less. Therefore, I was hoping to get some additional help. I’ve writeten an outline and where more information can be written. I need to include 15 APA in-text citations for this section. I’m going to include a couple of annotated bibs BUT not all these anotated bibs are useful.Here is a general idea:DiscussionThe purpose of this section is to evaluate and interpret the results, especially with respect to the original research question. Start off with a brief, nontechnical summary of the results. In other words, tell the reader about the main findings without using statistical terminology. Then go on to discuss the implications of the results. It is also important to discuss how the results relate to the literature you cited in the introduction. In other words, emphasize any theoretical consequences of the results.You might (or might not) also mention any limitations of the study and any suggestions for future research in this section. Finally, you need an ending paragraph in which you make a final summary statement of the conclusions you have drawn. You are also encouraged, when appropriate, to comment on the importance and relevance of your findings. How are your findings related to the big picture? Thus, this section should contain an absolute minimum of three paragraphs: the non-technical summary, discussion of the results and their implications, and the concluding paragraph.Questions needing to be answered in teh discussion section1) On the basis of the literature and the behavioral study outcome as seen in Figure 3, please provide a rationale for deciding whether you injected apomorphine or d-amphetamine in this study.answer: the data is not suggestive that neither drug was injected due to the non-signifant data and unsuccessful surgery to damage the SNpc if we did we would have seen a contraversive for apmorepohine and ipsiversive for d-amphetamine… we are not sure which drug due to unsccuesful surgery2) Would apomorphine or d-amphetamine be the better drug to conduct a pre- and post-lesion behavioral assay? In other words, which one should be used to test behavior before a lesion is made and after a lesion is made?3) Why would you recommend waiting at least seven days after a 6-OHDA lesion is made to begin administering apomorphine and testing the rotational behavior?4) How would you account for the drug-induced rotation after apomorphine and after d-amphetamine treatment?5) How would you try to cure Parkinson’s disease using the concepts that you’ve learned from this laboratory exercise?