Supply Chain Short Answer Response
Need (3) responses and 150 words per response #1 Ashley Macrologistics This week we talk about macrologistics and the study of the future of logistics. This is looking at logistics in the big picture sense to me. Have to look at the overall picture and the cost of the flow of material. Its looking at where the supply system could make more money in some avenues of the supply chain (Havenga, 2018). Marcrologistics look at the future and try to forcast what that may look like with loads and policies and the overall picture of what It may look like (Havenga, 2018). Looking at South Africas logistics issues macrologistics is needed to help out. There were policy challenges here and other issues (Havenga, 2018). Its amazing at what all is looked at such as roads all the infrastructure the demands, buildings, railroads, this is looking at the big picture and what all is affected (Havenga, 2018). I believe technology will continue to improve and will help macrologistics show what the future could look like. If we think of all the technology like self driving vehicles, blockchains, RFID, and much more. This can help with that big picture out look. Also, with the improvements of reverse logistics and the return of goods could help out in logistics and help with macrologistics and perhaps help in this aspect. I thought it was pretty neat how there is technology out there that can help with lowering returns and such possibly crack down on returns by satisfying the customer with what they get originally. The future of logistics looks great with the increase of technology. Havenga, J. (2018). Logistics and the future: The rise of macrologisitcs . Retrieved from Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management: #2 Adam The topic that I found most interesting was the traditional versus contemporary business models. This helps to outline how technology is moving industries forward while others are staying stagnant and not making any changes to their business models. It is becoming more and more common for millennials to be drawn towards businesses that are innovative and allow for creativity. This can be seen with all the companies that have been started on various platforms like YouTube or Facebook. The movement away from traditional business models happens for various reason, but one main one is the fact that employees get to express their voice and help build their teams. Changes can occur within the project, within the organization, and outside the organization, and may include technology, goals, regulations, and many other influences in a rapidly changing business environment. (Collyer, p.111, par. 3). The allowance of change within a structured environment is not too often seen in the traditional model. The contemporary model values the ideals of their individuals. There is a lot of appeal in working towards self-employment or working for a company that allows creative freedoms in a team building environment. Technology is also allowing the contemporary model to flourish. As technology continues to advance, Im sure we will see more of these companies arise as people leave traditional business models behind for other options. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this class. There was a lot of material that caused some great discussions on the boards and I enjoyed interacting with you all each week. Best wishes in your educational endeavors! Collyer, S. (2016). Culture, communication, and leadership for projects in dynamic environments. Project Management Journal, 47(6), 111-125. #3 Roger I think the week that I struggled with the most, but level sets this entire course was week 2 with industry reverse logistics processes. Prior to this course I was amazed at amount of people in the supply chain for aviation who had never heard of reverse logistics. However, once I was able to explain the process flow back from the customer they were like oh – that’s called reverse logistics? I know it is fairly new concept where industry is putting a lot of focus on to try and recapture some value of their products vice disposal. Another concept that was new and intriguing was our week discussing carbon offsetting. To my that was an eye opener because depending on your stance of that process it can sway the conversation drastically. The only thing I was frustrated with is that their is no accountability on a company to change its processes if it can afford to continue to buy those green concepts to reduce. All in all I am very pleased that I took this course and felt it provided great insight on reverse logistics.