Supporting Activity Reading and Discussion
Supporting Activity Reading and Discussion
Supporting Activity Reading and Discussion
Supporting Activity Reading and Discussion: Respond to the following questions in at least 350 words:
What are the dynamics present in your family?
What do you believe is the thread that holds your family together?
What are cultural influences that exist within your family?
How does your family bond with one another?
How does your family handle conflict?
HS 245 WEEK 2 Supporting Activity Reading and Discussion
Respond to the following questions in at least 350 words.
Within the landscape of family there are specific roles. In most families, there is someone who identifies as the caretaker, the giver, the bank and the peacekeeper. After watching the videos in Week 2, determine what roles you were able to see in the video you selected.
Consider in your own life, what role you play in your family. Remember, this week is about the modern family, family can be beyond people who share the same DNA. You can expound on extended relationships as well.
Respond to the following questions in at least 350 words.
Conflict can be healthy, depending on how it is mitigated. Our family conflict is the most difficult of all, and can drag on for a lifetime. Holidays bring out differences and conflict in people. Holidays can be frustrating and painful time for many. Whenever families get together, someone can bring up something unpleasant and things from the past or criticism take front row. What can be done to keep this from happening and what can you do as a person to keep situations from getting heated? How can you repair relationships that have faltered?
Procedures and activities to use with narrative texts
The strategies listed below can be used to help students enhance their comprehension of narrative texts.
Retelling is the process of having students orally rebuild a tale theyve read.
In order to retell a story, students must use their prior knowledge of how tales operate and apply it to the current reading.
Students order and summarize material, as well as make inferences, as part of the recounting process.
Retelling can be used by the teacher to assess how well students understand a tale, and then this information can be used to assist students gain a deeper grasp of what theyve read.
The teacher provides specific teaching, describing why retelling is beneficial, modeling the method, allowing pupils to practice, and providing feedback.
As pupils improve as readers, their retellings should grow more elaborate, as shown in the graph below.
Retelling Styles
Retelling a simple story
The student can do the following:
Recognize and recount the storys beginning, middle, and end in the correct order.
Describe the environment.
Identify the issue and the solution to the issue.
Retelling with more detail
The student can do the following:
Recognize and recount events and facts in a chronological order.
Make conclusions to fill up the gaps in your knowledge.
Identify and retell the causes and repercussions of actions or events.
The most comprehensive retelling
The student can do the following:
Identify and narrate a series of events or actions.
In order to account for occurrences or acts, you must create conclusions.
provide your opinion on the story
Maps that tell a story
Story maps are diagrams that depict the various pieces that make up a story.
The goal of a story map is to assist students focus on the key parts of narratives, including as theme, characters, settings, issues, plot events, and resolution, as well as the relationships between them.
Story maps for younger pupils can be very simple, such as the one shown below.
These maps concentrate on a specific element, such as a plots sequence.
The maps can be more complicated with older pupils, focusing on numerous aspects.
The instructor uses explicit teaching to introduce the method, explaining why story maps are useful, then modeling the procedure, allowing students to practice, and providing feedback, just as they do with retellings.
Map of a Simple Story
(The narrative begins when-) (Thereafter-) (The story ends-)
Story Frames are visual representations that, like story maps, concentrate students attention on the framework of a tale and how the storys content fits into that structure.
Students use story frames to activate their prior understanding of story structure aspects, allowing them to organize and learn new information from a story.
Students must offer fundamental information about the flow of events in a story in simple story frames:
The storys difficulty is .
Because ______, this is a problem.
When ______, the problem is solved.
Finally, .
Students may be asked to provide more specific information by describing sequences of activities or occurrences, or by presenting factual information to explain problems or motivations in more sophisticated frames.
Students are encouraged to communicate with one another by asking questions, seeking answers, and exchanging evaluations as part of the procedure.
The process can be adjusted simpler for use with younger kids it has been successfully utilized with grade-one pupils * or made more complicated for use with older students, just like story maps.
The technique is presented through explicit instruction, with the teacher first explaining why story frames are valuable, then demonstrating when and where to use them, guiding students through practice opportunities, and providing corrective feedback along the way, as with the other procedures discussed.
Reading and Thinking Activity with Directions (DRTA)
This strategy emphasizes reading as a method of thinking.
Its goal is to teach kids how to make predictions while reading.
Before beginning to read, the teacher encourages pupils to formulate a reading goal and make predictions about the storys content.
Throughout the story, the teacher stops students at key points to ask them to make more predictions and to check, reject, or amend their goals and predictions.
The teacher instructs students to locate and recite aloud any element of the text that supports their predictions after they have finished reading.
Students must explain their reasoning and demonstrate the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of their predictions using the text.