[ORDER SOLUTION] Systemic Police Racism
Using quotes from MacDonald’s article, please write an MLA-formatted essay of FIVE or more paragraphs (an introduction, 3 or more body paragraphs, & a conclusion)/2-3 pages answering the following question:How effective/persuasive is Heather MacDonald’s argument in “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism”? 1 introduction paragraph3 or more body paragraphs1 conclusion paragraph3+ quotes total from MacDonald (1-3 per body paragraph)2-3 pages in length. This means all the way to the very bottom of the second page at the absolute shortest, but not so long that it goes onto a fourth page. MLA document format–i.e., double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font, etc. (A Works Cited page is not required for this first essay, but if you want to include one, that would be great practice.)A polished & professional writing style–Use SpellCheck & proofread!!