Crisis Action Planning Analysis Questions

Crisis Action Planning Analysis Questions ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Crisis Action Planning Analysis Questions Greetings Myron, I pray all is going well doing this pandemic. I have two assignments that need to be completed. American Public University EDMG560 Crisis Action Planning Analysis Questions Assignment 1 APA Style, The count doesn’t include, Title and reference page. Write a 1500-word (minimum) reaction paper on the concepts. Consider for inclusion in your discussion: – Describe the national security risk and threat assessment process. – What national security threats have been attributed to climate change? – What recommendations should be followed to protect the US from climate change? – What is the water-food-energy nexus and why is it important? – How will rising sea levels impact defense infrastructure? – What is an EMP and why is it dangerous? – What components of infrastructure can be damaged by an EMP and how can they be protected? – What threat does Ebola and similar pandemic diseases pose? – What pre-infection (mitigation) measures can be employed? – What post-infection (response) measures can be employed? h ttp:// – Given what you’ve learned about risk assessment, which of these modern threats should be given highest priority and why? Assignment 2 I was unable to upload the Mitroff book, I can upload in a separate message. Let me know if you can access. Read Mitroff, chapters one through appendix C. Write a 1500-word (minimum / 2000 maximum) reaction paper on the discussed concepts. Consider for inclusion in your discussion: – What lessons from historical crisis management scenarios and case studies are most important to consider in crisis action planning? – How do Crisis Management, Risk Management, and Continuity of Operations Planning differ? Why are the differences important? – What are the four distinct styles of thinking? Why is recognition of these distinctive styles important to crisis action planning? (This question leads directly into the discussion in forum five – six) – How well do our present organizational structures deal with crisis situations? What modifications to traditional organizational concepts could improve this? – Can a crisis be dealt with as an objective, dispassionate occurrence separate from other life events? Why or why not? – Is it better to be proactive or reactive? Which are you? Which is your organization? What are you going to do about it, if anything? riskmanagement.pdf emp.pdf climate__2_.pdf climate__1_.pdf ebola.pdf why_some_compan Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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