Critical analysis of ethical issues in marketing

I’m stuck on a Marketing question and need an explanation.

You are required to write 2000 words (max) essay on one of the following topics:

1) In the last few decades, marketing has been criticized for contributing to

unsustainable economic growth, resource depletion, environmental damage and

accelerated climate change effects.

Using examples, you should discuss the different types of ethical issues associated with

the marketing mix. In your answer you should reflect on how marketing criticisms have

changed over time, and on some of the biggest worries associated with CSR.

2) Exploiting consumer vulnerability is a serious ethical concern and marketing has been

criticized for using deceptive tactics to reach the most vulnerable consumers.

Using examples, you should discuss the ways in which marketers target vulnerable

consumers and the ethical issues associated with marketing to vulnerable consumers. In

your answer you should explain which consumer groups are most vulnerable and reflect

on the factors that contribute to experiencing vulnerability.

The essay should provide evidence of critical evaluation by reflecting on the literature

and linking it to practice. The answer should be supported by relevant examples.

Finally, your answer should also provide a reflection on these ethical issues from the

perspective of consumers by discussing:

(1) Consumers’ responses to unethical marketing practices

(2) Consumers’ coping strategies with vulnerability

Examples of the topics discussed include: CSR, Marketing ethics, Ethical consumption,

Consumer vulnerability, Marketing of harmful products and medical marketing or Ethics

in new media.

Assignment Guidelines:

– Title page (not included in word count)

– Abstract (not included in word count)

– Introduction: general overview of the topic should be provided here.

– Body: a discussion of the ethical issues at hand should be provided here. A wide

variety of examples should be used in this section to support the arguments proposed.

You are expected to reflect on:

o Why these are considered ethical issues in marketing

o How they link to marketing ethical theory

o The ways in which consumers respond to these issues

– Conclusion and recommendations: the main issues should be summarized here. This

section should also mention some of the ways in which companies can address these

types of ethical issues in the future.

– References list using Harvard referencing guideline (not included in word count).

You are should use peer-reviewed academic articles, text books, reports of

organisations. The list can also include:

o Databases (e.g. Passport, Mintel).

o Reputable media outlets and newspapers (e.g. The Economist).

o Credible and highly regarded online sources (e.g. Business Insider).

– Appendix/ces (not included in the word count).

Please note that diagrams, charts and tables are not included in the word count.

You can use relevant picture, figures or tables with sources to support your discussion.

Points to consider:

– It is your responsibility to ensure that your writing can be understood.

Please make sure that you have sufficient literature review to produce critical

analysis of the case under investigation. (Up to date references)

– Make sure that you have clear link between the case and the topics discussed

through the semester.

– You need to make sure that you are submitting your own work (please refer to

University guidelines regarding plagiarism).

Assignment presentation: – Word count: 2000 words (max), – Formatting: font size 12, 1.5 spacing, 2.5 margins, – All pages should be numbered, – Use headings and sub-headings appropriately to make clear the structure of your report,

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