Critical Infrastructure and Authorities

Iย’m working on a Law exercise and need support.


This question assignment comes with a template and other information pertaining to the writing, it is the first of multiple assignments. I will provide all documents and information received to make these tasks easier. I would prefer someone who would not mind partaking in all of the assignments, although I don’t expect that. Thank you for reading this and feel free to ask any questions if there are any.

Part 1:

For this assignment, you will research the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and the Implementing Recommendation of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 with regard to statutory direction to the executive branch for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 600 words or more that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Compare and contrast the following Critical Infrastructure (CI) implementing statutes of the U.S. Code (USC) with regard to CI identification, prioritization, protection, and resiliency:

  • The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
  • Homeland Security Act of 2002
  • The 9/11 Commission Recommendations Implementation Act

Part 2: 3-4 Pages (Must use provided templates and review “requirements”)

You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction’s Office of Homeland Security. This is a recently-created office. As a medium-size jurisdiction, the city manager’s office has dual responsibilities with many of the leadership and management positions. This is often referred to as being dual-hatted. The Chief of Police has been assigned as the Director of the Office of Homeland Security for the city. She has no prior experience or knowledge of the requirements involved in Critical Infrastructure (CI) protection and has asked you to provide a formal report on the topic. The Chief intends to share this report with other Office managers, City department heads, the city manager, and the elected officials of the City (mayor and city council).

Your report is an information paper and should be formatted as such. The report should address the following items:

  • Define critical infrastructure protection (CIP).
  • Explain the importance of CIP.
  • Identify the federal laws (acts of Congress), national level policies (Homeland Security Presidential Directives and Presidential Policy Directives), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and national doctrinal publications that govern CI operations at the federal level of government.
  • Review and compare the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) to PPD 21 and Executive Order 13636.
  • Briefly describe and define the 16 CI sectors, and identify the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for each sector.
  • Summarize your top 3 key points.
  • Provide any recommendations that you may have to your cityย’s leadership concerning CI.

Reference all source material and citations using APA format.

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