Critique And Personal Reflection Paper

Critique And Personal Reflection Paper
Critique And Personal Reflection Paper
10-page critique and personal reflection on the textbook Why Evolution Is TrueYour paper should allow you to reflect upon each of the themes in the chapters of the book. For example, you should focus on reflections of your growing understanding of what evolution is and what it is not. It should include your personal journey of discovery related to the concept of evolution. It should also include philosophical, theological, and sociological reflections, as well as a demonstration of a scientific understanding of evolution. Additionally, you should critique and evaluate the ideas presented in the book using your scientific understanding of the process of evolution.
The term paper is a major assignment for this course and so ought to evidence the following:
Understanding of the relevant science
The ability to use relevant literature in support of your conclusions
Your individual response to the material and readings. This may involve an assessment of what you found to be particularly compelling and/or problematic; your personal thoughts and/or reactions to what is being considered; consideration of implications implicit in the materials being addressed; an assessment of the strengths and/or shortcomings of particular points; etc.
APA Format

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Critique And Personal Reflection Paper

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Critique And Personal Reflection Paper

Critique And Personal Reflection Paper


10-page critique and personal reflection on the textbook Why Evolution Is TrueYour paper should allow you to reflect upon each of the themes in the chapters of the book. For example, you should focus on reflections of your growing understanding of what evolution is and what it is not. It should include your personal journey of discovery related to the concept of evolution. It should also include philosophical, theological, and sociological reflections, as well as a demonstration of a scientific understanding of evolution. Additionally, you should critique and evaluate the ideas presented in the book using your scientific understanding of the process of evolution.

The term paper is a major assignment for this course and so ought to evidence the following:

  • Understanding of the relevant science
  • The ability to use relevant literature in support of your conclusions
  • Your individual response to the material and readings. This may involve an assessment of what you found to be particularly compelling and/or problematic; your personal thoughts and/or reactions to what is being considered; consideration of implications implicit in the materials being addressed; an assessment of the strengths and/or shortcomings of particular points; etc.

APA Format

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