CRJ 303 Forum and 2 responses

I’m stuck on a Law question and need an explanation.

Forum #2

This week’s reading provides overview of the research on biological and psychological perspectives, as well as discusses strain and culture deviance theories. After reviewing the reading for week 2, as well as the week 2 discussion articles in the lesson for this week, discuss/debate with your classmates your position pertaining to biological and psychological perspectives of explaining crime. Also, examine at least one theory from the assigned reading that explain crime and articulate why you either strongly agree or disagree with it.


Each students answer to the question should be between 500-1000 words. A minimum of two references need to be used in the development of your answer. You also need to provide two (2) feedback posts to your peers. Each feedback post needs to be 250 words or more, and should include information that helps to enhance the discussion on the topic. Do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include info that is challenging and respectful and that will stimulate debate. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always!

Initial Post Due: Thursday 11:55PM EST

Feedback Posts Due: Sunday 11:55PM EST

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