CS-assignment and PM replies

I’m studying for my Computer Science class and need an explanation.

Task 1:

  • Search the Internet for IT governance planning. Select a specific governance plan that exists at a company or a plan framework from an organization. Write a 2-page paper on three or four of the most important suggestions from the plan you select.

You must provide a reference to the site where you found the governance plan, in APA format.

Task 2:Read below student posts and reply each in 125 words (there are 2 student posts)

anitha -Can a PMO accelerate the implementation process?

Project Management Office or PMO can speed up the implementation process of a project or an EPM system without any doubt. The purpose for this PMO performs following projects management administration direction to extend managers in the business units, develop and implement a consistent and standardized process, conduct training programs or collect requirements for an outside organization. An individual will hold the specialist and outcome in clear commands and progress. This of course holds true when PMO has access to all the relevant internal and external information as well as resources. PMO holds accountability for timely and proper implementation of the project and follows well-defined set of in order to assure that the acceptable and best practices are followed in timely fashion. Frequently the measure of the interest in a PMO is significant. Furthermore, it can be attacked to work sub ideally or come up short if the Organization Change Management (OCM) viewpoints are disregarded or ignored. Tending to the OCM issues from the beginning of any PMO usage or change improves the probability of its prosperity. Ordinary OCM Challenges When Implementing a PMO Discovering “stovepipes” in the association that restrain or keep the improvement of data expected to decide. Executing a PMO out of the blue – and not knowing how much the association can or will be influenced. Not understanding the pace and retention rate of progress the association can take. Protection from the possibility of a PMO or reinforcing the PMO by senior pioneers, mid-level administrators and additionally staff to the progressions and responsibility that originates from an undertaking based association.

Project Management Office ensures that resources are properly allocated as per best of their ability to right processes and various stages of development processes are planned and executed in appropriate manner while meeting project deliverables. PMO department of any organization defines standards and other associated approaches towards planning and execution to satisfy the service level agreements. This derives the baseline of quality assurance and other standards that project has to meet for successful implementation. Furthermore, with its resource allocation practices, PMO exercises increased efficiency throughout different stages of a product development life cycle. No doubt, with this responsibility, PMO department also enjoys the authorization powers and decision-making commands. PMO office is responsible for maintaining necessary documentation in standard format within guidelines, coordination between resources and stakeholders to achieve project deliverables, decision making and conflict resolution, workflow management, best practices, and progress tracking as well as systematic task prioritization and completion while supporting the mission and objectives of the company.

PMO serves as a catalyst for project processes and influences the strategic execution of the tasks at various stages to fasten up the processes. With use of pre-designed tools and pre-defined processes, it becomes easier to keep focus on overall objective of the project and hence achieve it fast and in an efficient manner. Not to forget that PMO department also serves as an agent to diversify the responsibilities of people in charge and avoiding any bottle necks in terms of task management.


If implemented correctly, PMO has a good chance to accelerate the project implementation process. The basic aim of PMO is to make a standardized process for all projects within the organization. When PMO is appropriately supported by the leadership, it can efficiently analyze the collected relevant data and disseminate throughout the organization. This in turn will help the project management process.

PMO improves the decision-making process by projecting a united vision of the project management team and the leadership. The PMO must create a blueprint for the projects at departmental level which creates a recurring process. This ensures that best practices are incorporated in the project. It optimizes the resources of the project, reducing the cost and fast-tracking the implementation. PMO defines a set of rules to follow for the project management team of every project. To achieve the strategic goals of the company, that are in sync with the corporate management, all the standardized information is communicated effectively with transparency.

The integrated process shown by the PMO will serve as a model for accountability and implementation process to achieve the strategic goals set by the leadership. According to an improvement methodology called Theory of Constraints by Eli Goldratt – a project in place is initiated to have a positive effect on the organization will reap its benefits the quicker the project is completed.

PMO can fail if the there isn’t a feasible business case and choose ineffective personnel for implementing the PMO. PMO should not have a model which loans project managers to departments. Such model will sabotage PMO as each department will work on their own projects which not necessary align with the vision of the leadership.

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