Cultural Contexts 250 words discussion

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“Culture” has become more of an integral component to research in the social sciences. Briefly describe the importance of incorporating cultural concepts into the planning and modification of a program. In greater detail, define how you would evaluate a program based on its inclusion or omission of cultural context.


Fierson, H.T, Hood, S., & Hughes, G. Strategies that address culturally responsive evaluation. Retrieved from…

Katsiaryna S. Baran, & Wolfgang G. Stock. (2015). Acceptance and Quality Perceptions of Social Network Services in Cultural Context: Vkontakte as a Case Study. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, (3), 41. Retrieved from….

Netting, F.E., O’Conner, M.K., & Fauri, D.P. (2008). Comparative approaches to program planning (1st ed.). Retrieved from

  • Chapter 6: Program Planning in Diverse Cultural Contexts
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