Culture and Mental Health Assignment

Culture and Mental Health Assignment
Culture and Mental Health Assignment
Module 3 Paper
Culture and Mental Health
Fall 2018
Module 3 Paper Culture and Mental Health Assignment
Any aspect of nursing will involve the consideration of the patient’s culture and beliefs. At one time, nurses did not have to really know much outside of their own culture; now, as the world becomes more a global community, nurses must educate themselves beyond themselves.
For this paper, you will explore a culture outside of your own and discuss the unique factors regarding mental health in this culture. You will also discuss how the characteristics of this culture might affect nursing care. Finally, you will need to discuss any cultural conflict that you might foresee with your own culture or nursing practice.
To write this paper:
Introduce the culture of your choice. While doing so, include such things (if applicable)
Origins of this culture. Is it associated with a particular country, such as Canada and First Nations? A particular lifestyle or career, such as military vets (the military is a culture!!)? A particular religion, such as Buddhism? A particular physical characteristic, such as deaf (there is a deaf culture!)?
Demographics. What is the prevalence of this culture in Minnesota? The nation? The world?
You don’t need to necessarily answer all these demographics, but pick at least one section of the population for this paper.
Great resources:
For United States demographics: ;
For Minnesota state demographics:
Characteristics regarding this culture. Describe at least three elements regarding this culture. Remember, as described in Module 3 under “Cultural Competence,” culture “includes beliefs, morals, laws, customs, behavior, speech, norms, boundaries and family dynamics. Culture affects behavior: the distance that people prefer to stand when talking, the words they choose to use, body language, demeanor, the foods a person will eat, and the health care treatments they will accept.”
Some things to consider:
Identifying characteristic(s) of the culture. How is this culture identified? Are members of this culture all from Mexico? Are members from this culture attracted to the same gender? Do the members practice Catholicism? Do the members live in a rural area? Are the members all women? All men? All teenagers?
Beliefs. What do the members of this culture believe in? Wakan Tanka? Women’s rights? Witches?
Customs. Does this group celebrate holidays? Festivals? Life events, like weddings? Traditions? Drag shows? Parades?
Foods. Does this group eat a certain food? Matzo? Wontons? Tatertot hotdish? Samosas?
Language. Does the group have a specific language? Swahili? Arabic? Sign Language?
Family. What defines a family? Do they believe in large families? Small families? Are elders respected? Are children valued?
Health care practices. Does this culture practice Eastern medicine? Western medicine? Prayers? Spells? Rituals? Herbal therapy? Physical therapy? Addiction therapy?
Nursing considerations regarding this culture and mental health. Describe at least two elements of mental health associated with this culture. Think of how the nurse will be interacting with the culture or medical implications that are associated with the culture.
Source of mental health disorders. Does the culture believe mental health disorders are a result of chemical imbalances? Spiritual possession? Evil spells? Not being in favor with God? Lack of will power?
Attitudes regarding mental health within the culture. Is mental health talked about within the culture? Is there a stigma regarding mental health in the culture? Is mental health understood within the culture
Treatment of mental health within the culture. Does this culture use prayer? Exorcism? Therapy? Group therapy? No treatment?
Suicide rates within the culture. Is there a high suicide rate in this culture? (consider that in veterans, GLBTQ, Native American, and other minority cultures have higher suicide rates than other cultures)
Cultural considerations in nursing care. Is there modesty considerations? Gender assignment considerations (as in, a female patient will need a female provider). Information shared with the patient (as in, some cultures don’t share healthcare information directly with the patient). Health care decisions (as in, some cultures, the patient doesn’t make the health care treatment decisions).
Your paper should include a title page and reference page. Your paper should also include at least three scholarly sources that are no older than seven years old. Of course, your paper must be in APA format. This paper should be at least three pages long (excluding the title page and references), but limited to ten pages.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Points
Writing style: paper must be free of mechanical and grammar errors 1
APA style: paper must include a title page, references, and free of APA errors 1
Introduction: introduces the subject concisely with pertinent information 1
Characteristics of the culture: at least three elements described 3
Nursing considerations: at least two elements described 2
References: at least three scholarly references 1
Conclusion: summarizes the paper concisely 1
Suggested cultures
North America
Central America
South America
South Africa
Middle East
Far East (Asia)
Christian Science
Jehovah Witness
New Age
African American
First Nation
Native Alaskan
Native American
Be sure to focus more on a tribe/nation rather than lumping all Natives together!
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island
Baby boomers
Elderly (“Greatest Generation”)
Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/Bisexual/Queer (all or any of these)
Rural culture
Urban culture

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Culture and Mental Health Assignment

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Culture and Mental Health Assignment

Culture and Mental Health Assignment

Module 3 Paper

Culture and Mental Health

Fall 2018

Module 3 Paper Culture and Mental Health Assignment

Any aspect of nursing will involve the consideration of the patient’s culture and beliefs. At one time, nurses did not have to really know much outside of their own culture; now, as the world becomes more a global community, nurses must educate themselves beyond themselves.

For this paper, you will explore a culture outside of your own and discuss the unique factors regarding mental health in this culture. You will also discuss how the characteristics of this culture might affect nursing care. Finally, you will need to discuss any cultural conflict that you might foresee with your own culture or nursing practice.

To write this paper:

  • Introduce the culture of your choice. While doing so, include such things (if applicable)
    • Origins of this culture. Is it associated with a particular country, such as Canada and First Nations? A particular lifestyle or career, such as military vets (the military is a culture!!)? A particular religion, such as Buddhism? A particular physical characteristic, such as deaf (there is a deaf culture!)?
    • Demographics. What is the prevalence of this culture in Minnesota? The nation? The world?
      • You don’t need to necessarily answer all these demographics, but pick at least one section of the population for this paper.
      • Great resources:
        • For United States demographics: ;
        • For Minnesota state demographics:
  • Characteristics regarding this culture. Describe at least three elements regarding this culture. Remember, as described in Module 3 under “Cultural Competence,” culture “includes beliefs, morals, laws, customs, behavior, speech, norms, boundaries and family dynamics. Culture affects behavior: the distance that people prefer to stand when talking, the words they choose to use, body language, demeanor, the foods a person will eat, and the health care treatments they will accept.”
    • Some things to consider:
      • Identifying characteristic(s) of the culture. How is this culture identified? Are members of this culture all from Mexico? Are members from this culture attracted to the same gender? Do the members practice Catholicism? Do the members live in a rural area? Are the members all women? All men? All teenagers?
      • Beliefs. What do the members of this culture believe in? Wakan Tanka? Women’s rights? Witches?
      • Customs. Does this group celebrate holidays? Festivals? Life events, like weddings? Traditions? Drag shows? Parades?
      • Foods. Does this group eat a certain food? Matzo? Wontons? Tatertot hotdish? Samosas?
      • Language. Does the group have a specific language? Swahili? Arabic? Sign Language?
      • Family. What defines a family? Do they believe in large families? Small families? Are elders respected? Are children valued?
      • Health care practices. Does this culture practice Eastern medicine? Western medicine? Prayers? Spells? Rituals? Herbal therapy? Physical therapy? Addiction therapy?
  • Nursing considerations regarding this culture and mental health. Describe at least two elements of mental health associated with this culture. Think of how the nurse will be interacting with the culture or medical implications that are associated with the culture.
      • Source of mental health disorders. Does the culture believe mental health disorders are a result of chemical imbalances? Spiritual possession? Evil spells? Not being in favor with God? Lack of will power?
      • Attitudes regarding mental health within the culture. Is mental health talked about within the culture? Is there a stigma regarding mental health in the culture? Is mental health understood within the culture
      • Treatment of mental health within the culture. Does this culture use prayer? Exorcism? Therapy? Group therapy? No treatment?
      • Suicide rates within the culture. Is there a high suicide rate in this culture? (consider that in veterans, GLBTQ, Native American, and other minority cultures have higher suicide rates than other cultures)
      • Cultural considerations in nursing care. Is there modesty considerations? Gender assignment considerations (as in, a female patient will need a female provider). Information shared with the patient (as in, some cultures don’t share healthcare information directly with the patient). Health care decisions (as in, some cultures, the patient doesn’t make the health care treatment decisions).

Your paper should include a title page and reference page. Your paper should also include at least three scholarly sources that are no older than seven years old. Of course, your paper must be in APA format. This paper should be at least three pages long (excluding the title page and references), but limited to ten pages.

Grading Rubric

Criteria Points
Writing style: paper must be free of mechanical and grammar errors 1
APA style: paper must include a title page, references, and free of APA errors 1
Introduction: introduces the subject concisely with pertinent information 1
Characteristics of the culture: at least three elements described 3
Nursing considerations: at least two elements described 2
References: at least three scholarly references 1
Conclusion: summarizes the paper concisely 1

Suggested cultures


  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Ecuador
  • Europe
    • Russia
    • Sweden
    • England
  • Africa
    • Morocco
    • South Africa
  • Middle East
    • Jordan
    • Israel
  • Far East (Asia)
    • China
    • India
    • Pakistan


  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
    • Catholicism
    • Christian Science
    • Evangelical
    • Mormon
    • Protestant
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Jainism
  • Jehovah Witness
  • Judaism
    • Conservative
    • Orthodox
    • Reform
  • New Age
  • Pagan
  • Scientology
  • Shinto
  • Sikhism
  • Wicca


  • African American
  • Asian
  • Caucasian
  • First Nation
  • Hispanic
  • Hmong
  • Karen
  • Latino
  • Native Alaskan
  • Native American
    • Be sure to focus more on a tribe/nation rather than lumping all Natives together!
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island
  • Oromo
  • Pashtun
  • Zulu


  • Baby boomers
  • Deaf
  • Elderly (“Greatest Generation”)
  • Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/Bisexual/Queer (all or any of these)
  • Military/Veterans
  • Millennials
  • Rural culture
  • Urban culture
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