Culture in Nursing Assignment

Culture in Nursing Assignment Culture in Nursing Assignment Theoretical Foundations of Trans cultural Nursing Read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions. 1. Discuss the historical and theoretical foundations of trans cultural nursing. 2. Mention and discuss Leininger’s contributions to the creation and development of trans-cultural nursing as a theory.Culture in Nursing Assignment 3. Discuss the relevance of trans cultural nursing in addressing contemporary issues and trends in nursing. 4. Discuss the key components of the Andrews/Boyle Trans cultural Interprofessional Practice (TIP) model. As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board title “Week 1 discussion questions”. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references is required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years. Permalink: culture-in-nursing-assignment / The term culture is defined as “the thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and in stitutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups” (Potter & Perry, 2013). With the increase of culturally diverse populations in the United States, it is important for nurses to practice cultural competence. Cultural competence is the ability to acquire specific behaviors, skills, attitudes, and policies in a system that permits “effective work in a cross-cultural setting” (OMH, 2013). Being culturally competent is essential because nurses who acknowledges and respects a patient’s health beliefs and practices are more likely to have positive health outcomes (OMH, 2012). Every culture has certain views and attitudes concerning …show more content…Culture in Nursing Assignment The term culture is defined as “the thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups” (Potter & Perry, 2013). With the increase of culturally diverse populations in the United States, it is important for nurses to practice cultural competence. Cultural competence is the ability to acquire specific behaviors, skills, attitudes, and policies in a system that permits “effective work in a cross-cultural setting” (OMH, 2013). Being culturally competent is essential because nurses who acknowledges and respects a patient’s health beliefs and practices are more likely to have positive health outcomes (OMH, 2012). Every culture has certain views and attitudes concerning health. The Jewish (also referred to as Jews), in particular, have intriguing health practices and beliefs that health care providers need to be aware of. In regards to religion, most of the Jewish population practice Judaism. Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religions, being over three thousand years old (Schub T & Pravikoff D, 2013). One religious practice of the Jews is circumcising their sons. The Jewish Written Law, or Torah, compels the father to make sure that his son is circumcised on the eighth day of life. Although the topic of circumcision is somewhat controversial, the Jews strongly believe that the ritual is created by G-d himself and that “He certainly knows what’s good and not good for us” (Rich T.R., 2011). Cultural Diversity in Nursing Care Health in all cultures is an important aspect of life.Culture in Nursing Assignment A person’s cultural background, religion and/or beliefs, greatly influences a person’s health and their response to medical care (Spector, 2004). These diverse cultures guide decisions made in daily life; what food eaten, living arrangements made, medications taken and medical advice listened to. A nurse must be knowledgeable and respectful of these diverse cultures and understand their importance when providing care. This understanding helps to build a strong nurse/patient relationship, increasing patient compliance, which ensures positive outcomes are met. Patients who are satisfied …show more content… As the families grew, several members moved away. Diabetes and heart disease are prevalent with several family members. Growing up, one did not go to the doctor unless you were gravely ill. Today, several family members have chronic illnesses and visit a specialist regularly. Second Family’s Heritage Assessment The second family is from Nova Scotia. She lived there with three brothers and one sister, is Canadian-American, with English her native language. Many relatives lived nearby in her small town. Culture in Nursing Assignment Her family moved to the United States when she was little, lived here for many years, then moved back to Nova Scotia. She married young and currently resides in North Carolina. They are practicing Roman Catholics. Her faith is very important to her, along with strong family values. Holiday celebrations are spent preparing food and spending time with family. Family members usually die of old age with no chronic illnesses identified. They visit the Doctor regularly for physicals and illnesses as needed. Third Family’s heritage Assessment The third family originated from Puerto Rico. He was born there, but his father moved the immediate family to the United States when he was an infant. He has two sisters. One lives nearby and the other sister lives in California. The grandparents, aunts and uncles reside in Puerto Rico and he visits them once a month.Culture in Nursing Assignment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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