Cuyamaca College Hasty Generalization and Appeal to Unqualified Authority Questionary

Cuyamaca College Hasty Generalization and Appeal to Unqualified Authority Questionary Cuyamaca College Hasty Generalization and Appeal to Unqualified Authority Questionary ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Prepare: To prepare to respond to this prompt, reread the section from Chapter 2 of our book titled “Extracting Arguments in Standard form,” all required portions of Chapters 3 and 4, as well as the guidance and required media for this week.Further assistance in the filling missing premises can be gained from watching the video:Constructing Valid Arguments (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Reflect: Look at the list of argument options below. Choose an argument that has not yet been chosen by any of your classmates. Think through the reasoning and determine what premise is (or premises are) missing that would be needed to make the argument valid. You might also consider challenging yourself by choosing from the more difficult examples in the list (at the bottom).Choose from the following list of argument options. 1. Flipper is a dolphin, so Flipper is a mammal. 2. Football is dumb because it is a waste of time.3. If he loved you he would have shown up on time with flowers. He must not love you.4. All mammals bear live young, so dragons are not mammals.6. He broke the record for rushing yards in a game on that last play. Therefore he holds the record.7. He won the election. So he will be the next governor.8. He won’t go to the wedding since he doesn’t like mushy stuff and weddings are mushy.9. I can’t go to the movies with you – I have a test tomorrow and I have to study.11. You shouldn’t go out with that guy. He rides a motorcycle and goes to bars.12. Capital punishment is wrong because it is killing and it doesn’t save anyone’s life.13. You shouldn’t use drugs because they are addictive and can ruin people’s lives.14. To fix your care you will need money. However, to have money you have to have money. It appears that you need to get a job.15. To go to the movie you have to have a ticket. To buy a ticket you must pay money. Thus, to go the movie you must pay money.16. If you don’t do your chores then you can’t have any dessert. You really like dessert, so you will certainly do your chores.17. You will get an A if you study hard and always come to class. You came to class every time and studied. You are bound to get an A.18. Julie is allergic to gluten. Cuyamaca College Hasty Generalization and Appeal to Unqualified Authority Questionary So she won’t be having any bread.19. Only women can have babies, so women are more important to the survival of the species.20. If I wear that cologne then women will love me. I bought that cologne, so women are going to love me.21. I can’t go to the party because there will be alcohol there, and I am a Mormon.22. You shouldn’t force me to wear a seat belt because that would violate my rights.23. In order to buy a car you will need money. But to have money you need to get a job. But to go to a job you will need to be able to get to work. So you will not be able to buy a car.24. Capital punishment kills a human being. It is wrong to kill a human being except in self-defense. So capital punishment is wrong.25. You shouldn’t tell someone to do something unless you would be willing to do it yourself. You’ve never gone to war. So you shouldn’t vote for others to go to war.27. Either the maid or the butler did it. For the butler to have done it he would have had to have been at the mansion yesterday. The butler was away all day yesterday. So, the maid did it.28. If the maid was guilty then she would have had to been at the scene during the crime. However, she was seen a mile away only minutes before the crime, and she has no car. She must be innocent.29. It is always wrong to kill a human being unless it is necessary to save somebody’s life. Abortion kills a human being. So abortion is wrong unless the mother’s life is in danger due to the pregnancy.30. Government intervention is justified if it is necessary to protect the welfare of the people and does not violate anyone’s constitutional rights. Therefore, government intervention is justified in this specific case because it is necessary to protect the welfare of the people.Write: In your original post, be sure to include the entire original argument, in standard form, with your own added premise (or premises) in bold. After you have presented the argument, include a description of how the conclusion logically follows from the premises. Include also a reflection on whether it seems that the missing premise(s) is likely to be true (in the context). Would there be any way to fix the argument so that it is valid andhas all true premises? Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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