DA 4 and CTA 4

I’m working on a Management exercise and need support.

DA 4: Review the following news item to motivate your discussion.

News Item: Lean Operations at a Food Bank

For our discussion, I am including below a link to a video profiling how New York City food bank is using lean operations to improve its operations so it can get more meals to more families lean principle contributed to substantial improvement in operational results at a food bank. Provide your opinion on what you learned from it in context of implications for lean principles on operations in a not-for-profit context.

Lean Operations at a Food Bank (Links to an external site.)

Or you can use this link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EedMmMedj3M

In addition to contributing to discussion, you are expected to reply to at least one of your classmates.

Discussion 350+ words, reply the student 150+ words.


CTA 4: JIT McDonald’s Style.

A link to a short video about JIT McDonald’s Style is included herewith. McDonald’s has a brand recognition that is the envy of other companies. Food preparation speed has always been fast, but as market needs changed, McDonald’s recognized a need to provide customers with greater variety and customized meals. The new kitchen system, named “made for you,” enables McDonald’s to customize and maintain quick response.

Play media comment.JIT McDonald’s Style

Or you can use this link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB_sErdUpxc

Write well-thought out answers to the questions below:

  1. What were the goals of the “made for you” kitchen system.
  2. What are the criteria for success of the new system.
  3. Describe the forecasting system used in new system. Why is forecasting needed?

CTA Assignment 650+ words.

*****Attached the Discussion and Critical Thinking Rubric.

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