DA and CTA 3

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

DA 3: Review the following news item to motivate your discussion.

News Item: Apple’s Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers

For our discussion, I am including below link to an article in Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine titled Apple’s Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers. It discusses insights on how the company stockpile inventory of key items that they believe to be crucial for their long-term operational continuity in a supply chain context. Provide your opinion on what your learned from it in context of implications for operations management in the computer industry.

Apple’s Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers (clicking this link will download the item as a PDF file)

In addition to contributing to discussion, you are expected to reply one of your classmates.

Discussion 350+ words, reply the student 150+ words. Do not use any reference.


CTA 3: Fruits of NAFTA – The Mexican Medical-Devices Supply Chain.

Links to short news item and video about Mexico medical-devices supply chain are included herewith. Thanks to NAFTA, Tijuana has transformed from a seedy party destination for overage college students to a thriving industrial hub for medical device production. Well-known names of US medical device companies produce their products in factories situated here. Mexico’s medical device industry buys much of its raw materials and capital machinery from American suppliers. Half of the factory’s final output is shipped back to the U.S. and much of the rest to American-owned companies elsewhere.

News Item 1: Also Made in Mexico: Lifesaving Medical Devices (clicking this link will download the item as a PDF file)

News Item 2 (video): Mexico Medical Device Industry in Tijuana (Links to an external site)

Or use this link for the video?https://youtu.be/xCASqaKwpqQ

Critically analyze the information contained in news article and the video. Then write well-thought out answers to the questions below:

  1. What factors appear to threaten this medical-devices supply chain with its manufacturing hub in Tijuana, Mexico?
  2. Why is it hard to relocate these medical factories back to the U.S?

CTA Assignment 650+ words.

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