Dalhousie University Life of Religion and Spirituality Description Discussion

Dalhousie University Life of Religion and Spirituality Description Discussion Dalhousie University Life of Religion and Spirituality Description Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Home > Humanities > Dalhousie University Life of Religion and Spirituality Description Discussion Question Description I don’t know how to handle this Social Science question and need guidance. This is a piece of writing that allows you to articulate what you have learned from the week’s materials in your own words. It also allows you to draw on personal experiences and connect them to the weekly content. This assignment will also allow me to better gauge your overall comprehension of the material and where you area of interests are focused and why. Start by summarizing how this week’s lesson helped you to better understand the larger context of the course. For example, how did this week’s topic help you better understand religion in a modern setting? You can choose to highlight how it has changed or expanded your previous views or knowledge of the topic. Then you will want to showcase what you thought the main points of the week’s lesson were. What was the most important points and why? Finally, conclude by offering a statement that illustrates how you are able to connect the information provided in the material to real-world examples or experiences. Format Length – 1.5 – 2 pages, double-spaced 12 pt font, normal margi Unformatted Attachment Preview This is a piece of writing that allows you to articulate what you have learned from the week’s materials in your own words. It also allows you to draw on personal experiences and connect them to the weekly content. This assignment will also allow me to better gauge your overall comprehension of the material and where you area of interests are focused and why. Start by summarizing how this week’s lesson helped you to better understand the larger context of the course. For example, how did this week’s topic help you better understand religion in a modern setting? You can choose to highlight how it has changed or expanded your previous views or knowledge of the topic. Then you will want to showcase what you thought the main points of the week’s lesson were. What was the most important points and why? Finally, conclude by offering a statement that illustrates how you are able to connect the information provided in the material to real-world examples or experiences. Below are some of the webpages studied this week. https://www.abc.net.au/religion/religion-in-the-media-how-has-it-changedwhere-is-it-going-why-d/10096622 https://www.pewforum.org/2018/11/20/where-americans-find-meaning-in-life/ https://mediasmarts.ca/diversity-media/religion/media-portrayals-religionintroduction https://mediasmarts.ca/diversity-media/religion/media-portrayals-religionoverview https://www.pewforum.org/2019/11/15/americans-have-positive-views-aboutreligions-role-in-society-but-want-it-out-of-politics/ Here are some related theories: Secular, Secularism, and Secularization The term secular actually originated in the Christian Church. It is used to describe a division among the clergy.Dalhousie University Life of Religion and Spirituality Description Discussion “Not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic order”. For example, a secular priest. However, it is more commonly used now to refer to being “non-religious” in nature. “Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis”. Another definition of secularism, from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the “indifference to, or rejection or exclusion of, religion and religious considerations.” However, I would argue the word rejection is a strong term that does not necessarily encompass secularism, especially in a North American context. Moreover, other definitions are different, stating secularism is the view that “public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs or practices.” Particularly in North America, there have been decades long debates about the role of religion in modern society, especially when it comes to education, law, and politics. “In public schools, for example, references to God or lessons on the Bible have been a serious point of contention between religious sects and the wider society, largely because of the value that most Americans place on the separation between church and state.” (White, para 1) Secularization refers to when a society moves away from a religious foundation. For example, when the United States were first colonized, many of the founding colonists based their beliefs and practice that created the framework for their social structure on strongly-held religious beliefs, specifically Euro-centric Christianity. However, as the nation grew and became culturally more diverse, along with advances in modern science and technology, it became apparent that no one religious tradition could serve the entire country as the basis for its social framework. That is not to say that Christianity does not still have a strong influence on the US’ societal and cultural systems, but it is no longer recognized as the driving force behind its laws and politics. The Secularization Theory For centuries, sociologists have been contemplating and examining the role of religion in society. For example, we have looked at notable figures such as Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx as they questioned why religion existed in society even after the rise of industrialization and the scientific revolution. Their reasoning, as we have learned, was highly functional in nature – explaining religion away due to societal or economic needs. “Beginning in the late 1960s and 70s, sociologists again began to focus their attention on the declining influence of religion and the implications for the future. From their perspective, as societies become more modern, the need for and power of religion begins to decline.” (White, para 4) There is no single theory of secularization, though, as many scholars have attempted to tackle this deeply complex question and perspective. Additionally, the reasoning for the perceived decline in religious faith and/or adherence also varies. Many scholars argue that with the rise in scientific inquiry, less and less people were turning to religion to offer answers about the world. “As the field of science expanded and provided answers outside of a religious context, the attribution of divine intervention in the human world began to lose credibility.” (White, para 4) … Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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