Danger of Drug Addiction

Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay Drug addiction is a serious problem in modern society that affects somehow every nation and every family. Every drug abuse results in a great number of serious illnesses and lethal outcomes. That is why, before you start experimenting with these poison substances think over the danger of drug addiction.Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay This is a very old story but we need to retell it again till the very end. Let’s start with the basic questions, such as: do we want to become drug addicted? Do we really need to spend thousands of dollars? Do we want to die? Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ danger-of-drug-a…n-sample-essay / When we come up to the end of this story and find out how terribly the other people suffer from drug addiction we will see that there is nothing positive in drugs and their usage! Perhaps we feel the pressure from the peers or the other people around. Maybe we’ve been suffering from the terrible depression for many years and now we feel like we’ve driven ourselves into a corner. First of all, think if these “friends”, i.e. drugs can help us to find the right way-out! Can they be the right answer to our problems?Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay We need to have the will-power to say “NO”. Why? The point is, we know a lot of drug addicted persons and none of them are happy. Everything happens during the well-known script: no money, no friends, no career etc. Sometimes it happens within a year. You’ve definitely seen a lot of Hollywood movies where the main characters are drug-addicted and drugs serve as the form of self-expression. The characters seem to differ from the rest of people; they seem to have a lot of fun. Still all of them are fictional and they lead normal life.Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay What harm can drug addiction bring to our bodies? First of all, it will make us slow and lazy. Secondly, cough and chest pain may appear very soon. Thirdly, our behavior becomes totally paranoid and delusional. One can draw the only conclusion – drugs will never solve your personal problems, still they can successfully ruin your life. What if we become hooked on drugs? In this case we have to remember that drugs cause damage not only to our mind and bodies but also to our finances . Thousands will be spent on the next dose but our lives will never be the same after the first one already.Danger of Drug Addiction Sample Essay Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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