Design a One-to-Two Page Educational Tool to Best Prepare your Staff for an Accreditation Survey

Design a One-to-Two Page Educational Tool to Best Prepare your Staff for an Accreditation Survey
Design a One-to-Two Page Educational Tool to Best Prepare your Staff for an Accreditation Survey
You are a nurse leader on a very busy Medical-Surgical Unit. Your goal is to maintain continual ”survey readiness” so the staff is always prepared for an unannounced survey. You have decided that your best tactic would be to design an educational handout to assist your staff in preparing for the survey. Design a one-to-two page educational tool to best prepare your staff for an accreditation survey.
Preparation for Accreditation Survey
Patient’s Rights- Privacy and Confidentiality
When releasing patient’s information, make sure that you have followed the HIPPA guidelines
Protect patient’s data from access by unauthorised personnel
Avoid talking about patient’s information in public
Ensure that all the door or protective curtains are closed when conducting patient examination
Ask for permission from the patient before sharing their medical diagnosis with any concerned relatives
Protect patient data with passwords known by only authorized personnel (Bourgeois, Nigrin, & Harper, 2015).
Design a One-to-Two Page Educational Tool to Best Prepare your Staff for an Accreditation Survey
Environmental Health and Safety
Ensure that all the staff members are aware of all the emergency codes and what different colors represent (Olds, Aiken, Cimiotti, & Lake, 2017).
Be aware of fire safety protocols
Ensure that all the staff members are aware of how to handle hazardous materials in terms of storage, transportation, and disposal (Ro?sslein et al., 2017)
Ensure that all the eye washing stations are clean and inspected regularly
Ensure that heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) filters are well installed and maintained
Professional Qualities
Be empathetic
Always groom appropriately
Always write everything down in details
Always be organized
Be emotionally stable
Be adaptable
Have mental and physical endurance
Always work in a team
Goals for Patient Safety
Curb infection spread
Use medicines safely
Identify patients correctly
Avoid surgical errors
Customize hospital discharges
Prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Use good hospital design principles
Share data for quality improvement
Assemble better teams and rapid response systems (Ban et al., 2017).
Foster an open-communication culture
How to Curb Infection Spread
Enhance antibiotic stewardship
Enhancement of comprehensive unit-based safety programs
Effective surveillance
Ensure that all the staff members receive the recommended vaccinations
Enhance consistent screening and cohorts of patients (Olds, Aiken, Cimiotti, & Lake, 2017).
Proper hand hygiene when before and after handling patients
How to Use Medicines Safely
Be vigilant when administering medications
Assessment the medications before administration.
Be diligent in all medical calculations
Avoid workarounds
Effective communication with the patient before and after the administration of medications
Ensure that all medications have not expired
Report all errors, near misses, and adverse reactions (McGrath, Taenzer, Blike, & Karon, 2016).
Quality Improvement Strategies
Enhance effective communication
Enhance teamwork
Use proved methodologically sound approaches
Integrate evidence-based and patient-based practice
Fostering and sustaining a culture of change and safety
Continuous monitoring of performance (Reames, Krell, Campbell, & Dimick, 2015).
Ban, K. A., Minei, J. P., Laronga, C., Harbrecht, B. G., Jensen, E. H., Fry, D. E., Itani, K. M. F., … Duane, T. M. (January 01, 2017). American College of Surgeons and Surgical Infection Society: Surgical Site Infection Guidelines, 2016 Update. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224, 1, 59-74.
Bourgeois, F. C., Nigrin, D. J., & Harper, M. B. (January 01, 2015). Preserving patient privacy and confidentiality in the era of personal health records. Pediatrics, 135, 5, 1125-7.
McGrath, S. P., Taenzer, A. H., Blike, G., & Karon, N. (July 01, 2016). Surveillance monitoring management for general care units: Strategy, design, and implementation. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 42, 7, 293-302.
Olds, D. M., Aiken, L. H., Cimiotti, J. P., & Lake, E. T. (January 01, 2017). Association of nurse work environment and safety climate on patient mortality: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 74, 155-161.
Reames, B. N., Krell, R. W., Campbell, D. A. J., & Dimick, J. B. (January 01, 2015). A checklist-based intervention to improve surgical outcomes in Michigan: evaluation of the Keystone Surgery program. Jama Surgery, 150, 3, 208-15.
Ro?sslein, M., Liptrott, N. J., Owen, A., Boisseau, P., Wick, P., & Herrmann, I. K. (February 07, 2017). Sound understanding of environmental, health and safety, clinical, and market aspects is imperative to clinical translation of nanomedicines. Nanotoxicology, 11, 2, 147-149.

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