Determinants of Health

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Topic 1: Read the required reading. Review the Determinants of Health website and view the short video and content.…

For this discussion you will identify and define determinants of health for an individual or family population at risk including social, environmental and global factors as applicable. How you approach the discussion is your choice. You may choose a condition or topic first then elaborate from there, while including the population characteristics and determinants of health. Alternatively you may choose to define a specific population, such a rural Appalachian single mothers, and then address risks and the determinants of health.

Short response, no more than one page.


In Health Promotion throughout the Lifespan in Nursing Practice,

8th (2014)

Edelman, Kudzma and Mandle


Chapter 6: “Health Promotion and the Individual”

Chapter 7: “Health Promotion and the Family”

Chapter 8: “Health Promotion and the Community”

Chapter 9: “Screening”

Chapter 10: “Health Education”

Healthy People 2020. (2018). Determinants of health. [video]. Retrieved from

Required Reading-Conceptual Models

Rural Health Information Hub. (2018). Health promotion and disease prevention theories and models. Retrieved from

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2002). Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. Atlanta, GA. Appendix 3. Retrieved from

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