Develop a Set of Recommendations

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You have just been hired as a healthcare administrator for a healthcare facility working to improve its quality standing. As you settle into your new role, one of the first tasks you are charged with is to lead the quality assurance and continuous improvement effort aimed at addressing fall-related incidents in your facility (you can review the Week 1 assignment for guidance). At this juncture, the quality improvement team is working on identifying meaningful measures for data collection and monitoring over time. As the quality team prepares to meet and deliberate on the choice of these meaningful performance measures, you decide to write a memo to the quality team with recommendations for factors they need to consider when choosing and prioritizing these measures.

Write a memo detailing your point and rationale. At the minimum, ensure your memo addresses/considers the following:

  1. Your organization’s strategic plan.
  2. The need for a holistic set of measures that includes measures from the structures, processes, and outcomes.
  3. Stakeholders’ interest.
  4. Compliance and accreditation.

Length: 1-2 pages (excluding title and reference page)

References: Include a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed, scholarly resources.

Your assignment should reflect scholarly academic writing, current APA standards, and adhere to University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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Rubric Name: Common Grading Rubric – 10 Points


Completed few parts of the assignment and/or did not address many questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed some parts of the assignment and/or did not address several questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed all required parts of the assignment and addressed most of the questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed all required parts of the assignment and addressed all questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

No evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

No evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were generally not thoughtful, thorough, or well-reasoned.

Little evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Little evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were occasionally thoughtful and/or may not have been thorough or well-reasoned

Some evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Some evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were mostly thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned.

Strong evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Detailed evidence of analysis of assignment concept.

Responses were thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned

Resources are not scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of poor quality and/or not appropriate for the assignment.

Some resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of good quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Most resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of good quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed and were of excellent quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Numerous misspelled words and grammatical errors.

APA formatting not used.

Frequently misspells words and/or makes consistent grammatical errors.

Numerous APA formatting issues.

Occasionally misspells words and/or some grammatical errors.

Minor APA formatting issues.

No or very few misspelled words and/or no or very few grammatical errors.

No APA formatting issues

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The Healthcare Quality Book : Vision, Strategy, and Tools

Book Jacket

Joshi, Maulik

Ransom, Elizabeth R.

Nash, David B.

Ransom, Scott B
Read Chapter 5: Data Collection (pp. 111-133)

The Healthcare Quality Book : Vision, Strategy, and Tools

Book Jacket

Joshi, Maulik

Ransom, Elizabeth R.

Nash, David B.

Ransom, Scott B.
Task: View this topic


Read Chapter 2: Basic Concepts of Healthcare Quality (pp. 38-51)

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