Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay

Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Diabetes represents one of the most challenging disorders facing the United States population. Diabetes can be classified as Diabetes Mellitus type I, Diabetes Mellitus type II, Gestational Diabetes, and secondary diabetes from other conditions.Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay At least 90% of diabetes is type 2, and the complications could be avoided by carefully managing hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia (Wilbur, 2013). Therefore, the healthcare industry is spending vast amounts of time and money treating a disease which is largely preventable. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pathophysiology of the different classifications, drug treatment, and dietary considerations of Diabetes Mellitus. The impact and drug treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type I is explained, along with a description of a technique useful in educating patients on the standards of medical care in diabetic patients.Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Pathophysiology of Diabetes Type I diabetes is due to a lack of pancreatic beta cells leading to absolute insulin deficiency. An autoimmune attack occurs and antibodies develop in the blood, insulin slowly decreases, and blood glucose levels rise. Juvenile diabetes was always thought to be type I diabetes until recently. Due to childhood obesity levels rising, there has been an increase in type II diabetes in children age 10 to 19. Type II diabetes can be due to insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion, elevated glucose production by the liver, or all of the mechanisms. Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ diabetes-and-drug-treatments-essay / ? Diabetes represents one of the most challenging disorders facing the United States population.z Metformin is the first-line drug treatment for type 2 diabetes and it is the only biguanidine available in Australia.1 Over 100 million patients worldwide are prescribed with metformin yearly.2 Metformin belong to the family of biguanidine, which composed of 2 guanidine group bind together by loosing the ammonia compound.2 It was discovered in 19503 hitherto, its mechanism of action (MOA) still remains unclear and has become an area of robust diabetes studies.2 However, in 2001 Zhou et al had proposed the widely known and used MOA for metformin.2Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Metformin is preferably prescribed for an obese patient with T2DM and normal kidney function (serum creatinine concentration 1.17 mL/s without symptomatic hypoxic respiratory condition or congestive heart failure).4 Ms. LM fits in the above criteria, which make her as an ideal patient for these drugs (creatinine level of 85 (mu) m d/L and eGFR of 60-provided that patient has congenital renal agenesis). Metformin is an affordable medication because it is covered under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). It is also easily accessible as it is available in many pharmacies.Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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