Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay

Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ 5414 / Unformatted Attachment Preview 1 Diabetic Foot Ulcers 2 Diabetic Foot Ulcers Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) refer to long term chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (Lim & Thomas, 2017; Ministry of Health, 2018). Scientists hypothesize that diabetic foot is a result of poorly controlled diabetes, which leads to a prolonged period of high blood sugar levels. Ahmad (2016) explains that neuropathy, vascular insufficiency, and poor response to infections have accelerated diabetic foot. Some of the risk factors include being male, a history of previous ulcers, smoking, and Brunios (Ahmad, 2016). Evidence shows that diabetic foot is quite prevalent. (Ahmad, 2016) reveals that diabetic foot is responsible for 50% of diabetes-related days in hospital beds. Additionally, DFUs affect 15% of all patients with diabetes and attracts a substantial financial burden. Again, the risk of developing DFUs is relatively high, as 19-34% of all diabetic patients will develop it in their lifetime (Ahmad, 2016; Everett & Mathioudakis, 2018). Other statistics indicate that 20% of DFU patients have low blood flow in the arteries; up to 50% are likely to have neuropathy, while 80% of them are likely to be having both the conditions. Diabetes: Diabetic Foot Ulcers Article. The risk of death for DFU patients is 2.5 higher compared to diabetic patients without DFU (Armstrong, Boulton, & Bus, 2017). From a critical standing, these statistics indicate that DFU is a severe burden to diabetic patients, which can lower life quality. Other than the associated pain burden, the financial burden is equally high, as Al-Rubeaan et al. (2015) estimate that 24.4% of all healthcare expenditure is used to treat foot complications. On the aggregate level, almost $11 billion is utilized to treat DFU complications. The figure is slightly lower in the UK, at $456 million (Al-Rubeaan et al., 2015). As seen, the financial burden is insurmountable. Therefore, it is imperative to map the prevalence of this condition in Saudi Arabia to create appropriate solutions because 70% of the cases are preventable (Bus & van Netten, 2016). 3 There are several risk factors associated with DFUs. Gender is a significant risk factor as males have a higher risk of developing DFU compared to women. In their study, Al-Rubeaan et al (2017) found that males were the dominant group for DFU at 76.29% and 77.55% for LEA. Additionally, age is also a factor as 48.97% of those aged over 65 years had DFU while the younger had instances of DFU. Additionally, Armstrong, Boulton, & Bus (2017) and Pemayun et al. (2015) assert that peripheral artery disease also increases the risk of developing DFU. Moreover, Zhang et al. (2017) assert that smoking, BMI distribution, and hypertension are significant risk factors for DFU. The research is aimed at investigating the prevalence of DFU’s in Saudi Arabia. The data will be analyzed in a different vein using “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” (SPSS) version 17. ?2, the chi square test was used to analyze the data. Several ethical considerations will guide the study. One, the study participants were adequately informed of their rights during the study. Most importantly, the participants will be informed that they can withdraw from the study without giving any reason or justification. Additionally, an informed consent form will be sent to the participants before the study commences. Those who fill and submit the consent form will be the only ones included in the study. Also, personal data will not be captured in any document, and the data collected will not be published without consent from the relevant authorities. Research Ethics Core principles of biomedical research ethics Respect for persons is a principle that ensures that the participants can make their own decisions (“General Ethical Principles,” n.d.). Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay. Research involves the performance of different tests, 4 and the people involved need to be in a position to decide whether to take them or not. Their rights and decisions need to be respected despite the need to have them participate in the research. Beneficence is a principle about doing good to people and ensuring that you do not harm them (“US Department of Health and Human Services,” 1979). Biomedical research involves doing tests, and sometimes, trials of new medicines are done. The scientists should ensure that the medicine being tested will not affect the participants negatively. Any activity that will be done during the trials should not harm the participants. Distributive justice is involved to ensure that all the participants are treated equally (Owonikoko, 2013). Scientists need to have a list of the characteristics of the participants they want. It includes demographics such as gender, age, and race. The participants should be informed of the significance of the trials. How are the principles a framework for the informed consent process? The three principles form the framework for informed consent. It is because they are allowed to make their own decisions (Manti & Licari, 2018). The selected people have the opportunity to agree or refuse to participate. They can change their mind when they are not sure if they want to be involved in the clinical trial. Informed consent is a demonstration of the principle of respect for persons. Moreover, a specific strategy is followed in selecting the participants to ensure that the study’s aim will be met. Diversity in terms of age and gender, and race is essential to ensure that the study applies to all people. Any risks are communicated, and the scientists indicate any harm involved in the clinical trial. Diabetic Foot Diabetic foot complications area of study thought-about a significant impact of diabetes, posing considerable economic and medical effect. The downside characteristic and its possible risks modify health suppliers to line up higher programs for interference. An oversized source of 5 information, “Saudi National diabetes registry,” would be the most effective tool to gauge this downside (Armstrong, Boulton, & Bus, 2017). Approximately ten to fifteen percent of patients with diabetes were found to have developed foot ulcers at least at a certain stage in their life. Additionally, 15% of all amputations load was polygenic disease patients. There is a desire to produce intensive education for each medical aid physician and the patients concerning the connection between aldohexose management and encountered complications in ankle joint and foot. Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay. The diabetic foot management focuses totally on how to avoid amputation of lower extremities. However, it may be allotted through 3 strategies: Identifying the “at-risk” foot, acutely unhealthy foot treatment, and hindrance of any issues. Many obstacles within DFI management embrace poor data and awareness of the polygenic disease as well as the complications associated with it, and lack of applicable chiropody services. These goals square measure attainable solely by the institution of an avid team of a medical specialist, specialist, vascular MD, and a pedorthist. Medical science surgeons and polygenic nurses teachers/educators determined to offer foot care might be a team section. Characteristics of the polygenic disease patients in danger of ulceration need foot examination and the vascular, skin conditions, foot structure, and medicine systems. Conservative foot issues management considerably, has reduced the amputation danger by easy procedures, like suitable footwear, aggressive surgical operation, cleanliness, regular dressing of wound through easy wet-to-dry saline gauge (Al-Rubeaan et al., 2015). Diabetic Foot Prevalence A severe chronic diabetic can complicate diabetic foot. Diabetic foot lesions in deep tissues related to peripheral vascular in lower external limb disease and neurological disorders. The diabetic foot incidence has raised the global DM prevalence, therefore, the prolonged anticipation 6 in the patterns of diabetes. It has been shown in the previous study that an amputated lower limb attributable to every DM, and thus the typical annual economic costs of diabetic foot are more than eight thousand US Dollars for every patient. The whole medical cost for the treatment of DFU in America more than nine billion and could be associated with DM. Thus, the International DM Foundation will increase diabetic foot problems ordinal substantial medical, economic, and social burdens severe gangrene. Foot ulceration deteriorates infection causes amputations of the diabetic foot in about Eighty-five percent of the cases. Their unit currently has no studies, which investigate global diabetic foot besides the importance of this increasing disadvantage. Furthermore, some studies estimating diabetic foot ulceration prevalence were administered in a specific period, particular areas at intervals, and diversified considerably in research vogue. Consequently, a brand new and intensive analysis and update of DFU epidemiology globally are imperative. The data might be conversant in promoting plans for treating and preventing the diabetic foot ulceration, improve patient’s quality of life, and reduce the burdens of economics. Here, tend to conduct a meta-analysis and systematic investigation of all obtainable studies to assess diabetic foot ulceration pervasiveness. Diabetic Foot Ulcers Essay. Consequently, a new and extensive analysis and diabetic foot ulceration epidemiology update worldwide are imperative. The data may well be accustomed to promoting treatment plans and prevention and treatment plans for diabetic foot ulceration, improving the patients’ life quality, and scale back the economic burden. Here, conduct a metaanalysis and systematic investigation of all accessible studies to measure diabetic foot ulceration’s present prevalence (Bus & van Netten, 2016). Prevalence of DMU in Saudi Arabia similar to the global rate of DM patients which is a huge number that might lead to increasing DMU complications and affect the economy of Saudi Arabia and the healthcare system. Patients with a past medical history of DFU having an increased rate of mortality than patients without a past 7 medical history of DMF. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the seventh rank of DM prevalence, rate 25%. The prevalence of DMU complications was 3.30%, the gangrenes rate was 0.19%, and the amputation rate of 1.06% (Al-Rubeaan et al., 2015). Prevention of Foot Ulcer Early identifications of the lesion in patients with a past medical history of DMU, diabetes control, continuous foot care, appropriate footwear, medical education to patients to follow treatment recommendations, and surgical intervention (Ahmad, 2016). Gap in Literature The main gap in literature is that there is no enough evidence on the current treatment of chronic ulcers. What exists are wound treatments that can be used to manage the alreadymanifested symptom. Therefore, there should be a research in this area to have stablished evidence on the methods for treatment of chronic ulcers. This also includes DFU’s. Conclusion In conclusion, this paper has discussed the prevention and prevalence of diabetic foot ulcers in Saudi Arabia. DFUs are shown to be long term chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot can be caused by poorly controlled diabetes, which leads to a prolonged period of high blood sugar levels. It is shown that 15% of all diabetic patients have DFU. DFUs also impact the financial burden of individuals. Males are at higher risks than males. Ethical considerations will be made in the course of the research. That is, the participants will be informed that they can withdraw from the study without giving any reason or justification. The participants will also be required to give informed consent before the study is started. In essence, the core principles of biomedical research ethics will be considered. 8 Available literature indicates that diabetic foot complications are an area of study, which has been brought about by the serious consequences of diabetes. It is expected that the data might be conversant to promote plans for treating and preventing diabetic foot ulceration, improve patient’s life quality, and reduce the economic burden. In such a case, a meta-analysis will be conducted. Prevention of DFUs is shown to entail early identifications of the lesion in patients with a past medical history of DMU, diabetes control, continuous foot care, appropriate footwear, medical education to patients to follow treatment recommendations, and surgical intervention. 9 References Ahmad J. The diabetic foot. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2016;10(1):48-60. doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2015.04.002 Al-Rubeaan, K., Al Derwish, M., Ouizi, S., Youssef, A. M., Subhani, S. N., Ibrahim, H. M., & Alamri, B. N. (2015). Diabetic foot complications and their risk factors from a large retrospective cohort study. PloS one, 10(5), e0124446. Al-Rubeaan, K., Almashouq, M. K., Youssef, A. M., Al-Qumaidi, H., Al Derwish, M.,Ouizi, S., … & Masoodi, S. N. (2017). All-cause mortality among diabetic foot patients and related risk factors in Saudi Arabia. PLoS One, 12(11), e0188097. Armstrong, D. G., Boulton, A. J., & Bus, S. A. (2017). Diabetic foot ulcers and their recurrence. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(24), 2367-2375. Bus, S. A., & van Netten, J. J. (2016). A shift in priority in diabetic foot care and research: 75% of foot ulcers are preventable. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, 32, 195-200. Everett, E., & Mathioudakis, N. (2018). Update on management of diabetic foot ulcers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1411(1), 153. Lim, J. Z. M., Ng, N. S. L., & Thomas, C. (2017). Prevention and treatment of Diabetic foot ulcers. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 110(3), 104-109 Manti, S., & Licari, A. (2018). How to obtain informed consent for research. Breathe, 14(2), 145–152. https://doi.org/10.1183/20734735.001918 Ministry of Health. (2018). Diabetic foot. 10 https://www.moh.gov.sa/HealthAwareness/EducationalContent/Diseases/diabetic/Pag es/003.aspx Pemayun, T. G. D., Naibaho, R. M., Novitasari, D., Amin, N., & Minuljo, T. T. (2015). Risk factors for lower extremity amputation in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: a hospital-based case–control study. Diabetic foot & ankle, 6(1), 29629. Zhang, P., Lu, J., Jing, Y., Tang, S., Zhu, D., & Bi, Y. (2017). Global epidemiology of diabetic foot ulceration: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Annals of medicine, 49(2), 106-116. … Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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