Disability Determination Nursing

Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper The most important sources of assistance for Americans with disabilities are two Federal programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) — Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSI and SSDI constitute a safety net for persons with disabilities, providing both cash assistance (monthly checks) and eligibility for health insurance. Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper (Medicaid and/or Medicare). Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper. There is increasing awareness of the role of disability in precipitating and prolonging homelessness. People living without homes suffer extraordinary and well-documented health risks associated with poverty, overcrowding, and poor access to health care. Any national strategy to end and prevent homelessness must include adequate financial supports that allow persons with disabilities to secure housing and meet other basic needs, including health care. Disability precipitates and prolongs homelessness. Research suggests that physical and cognitive impairments are among the factors that increase the likelihood of becoming and remaining homeless if services to meet basic needs are not provided (CN 2002, CN March 2003). Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper. Homelessness itself can be an indicator of functional impairment and often a marker of disability. Indeed, people with disabilities constitute the “chronically homeless” population in America.1 People who are homeless suffer disproportionately from mental impairments. Roughly half of all people with serious mental disorders have co-occurring substance use disorders and half of people with substance use disorders have co-existing mental illness, regardless of their housing status (NAMI, 2006). Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper The prevalence of these disorders is considerably higher among people who are homeless (Bonin et al. 2004). Lab_DisabilityDetermination_20170913_MBR155 Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ disability-deter…se-study-paper / ? Disability Determination Nursing Assignment Case Study Paper Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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