disaster management?

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Make a bibliography for two articles related to “Emergency Preparedness for the elderly during Al-Hajj period”

  • Provide the citation information for each source following the rules of a particular bibliography style (APA Style,). Logically, you want to use the citation style in your bibliography that you will use in your research report. Examples of citation sources include books, articles, Internet sites, newspapers, and audiovisual materials.
  • List each reference source in alphabetical order. Occasionally researchers will introduce themes to their annotated bibliographies, essentially introducing headings for each theme and then organizing citations and summaries according to the themes that are emerging.
  • Provide a brief (100- to 200-word) descriptive and evaluative summary of each source. Researchers may address the relevance of the reference source, summarize the unique findings or arguments, include judgments regarding the quality of the source, and critique the methods employed by the source to generate knowledge.


Write as second language.

Use simple academic words.

Use APA format.

In attached an example that might help you to understand the assignment.

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