Discussion-1 and discussion-2

Can you help me understand this Management question?


the Great Recession of 2009 was not caused by the Free Market, but was instead caused by US Government policies.


a) Main discussion with 300 word length

b) Response for the discussion with 200 word length(First response with 200 words length and second response with 200 word length)

c) No plagarism and Three references

d) double-spaced


What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations?


a) Main discussion with 300 word length

b) Response for the discussion with 200 word length(First response with 200 words length and second response with 200 word length)

c) No plagarism and Three references

d) double-spaced

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Discussion 1 and discussion 2

I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

1-Discuss some of the protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today’s employment setting.(200 words minimum)

2-Explain how you would conduct a job analysis in a company that has never had job descriptions. Utilize the O*Net as a resource for your information.(200 words minimum)

for each discussion need one reply for peer post of minimum 150 words (attached peer post)

Note:discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format. You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer.

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