Discussion 2 – Week 2 Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy

SOCW6351 Discussion 2 – Week 2 Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy Discussion 2 – Week 2 Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ discussion-2-wee…-specific-policy / ? Social workers often are very aware of and informed about the needs of the specific populations with which they work. As a result, it is important that social workers get involved in the policy-creation process by sharing their experiences and perspectives with others, including policymakers. For this Discussion, select a population of particular interest to you. Then, select three to five policies (including two to three state-level and two to three federal-level policies) related to that population. Finally, subscribe to a variety of blog alerts concerning the population and the policies you selected. Note that you will be discussing about these policies throughout the course. You will also critically review the published opinions of bloggers outside of this course, who write about the policies you identified. Post by Day 4 a brief description of the population you selected. Then, provide a description of three to five policies (including two to three state-level and two to three federal-level policies) related to that population. Finally, explain the relationship between the policies and the population you selected. Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts. Permalink: https://ulcius.com/ discussion-2-wee…-specific-policy / Week 2 Discussion 2 Social workers often are very aware of and informed about the needs of the specific populations with which they work. As a result, it is important that social workers get involved in the policy-creation process by sharing their experiences and perspectives with others, including policymakers. For this Discussion, select a population of particular interest to you. Then, select three to five policies (including two to three state-level and two to three federal-level policies) related to that population. Finally, subscribe to a variety of blog alerts concerning the population and the policies you selected. Note that you will be discussing about these policies throughout the course. You will also critically review the published opinions of bloggers outside of this course, who write about the policies you identified. Post by Day 4 a brief description of the population you selected. Then, provide a description of three to five policies (including two to three state-level and two to three federal-level policies) related to that population. Finally, explain the relationship between the policies and the population you selected. Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts. Discussion 2 – Week 2 Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy https://ulcius.com/discussion-week-3-the-impact-of-social-policy-essay/ Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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