Discussion 2: RE:SOCW6070Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services week9

Discussion 2: RE:SOCW6070Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services week9 ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Discussion 2: RE:SOCW6070Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services week9 Help me study for my Social Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. Due 07/25/2019 by 6 PM EST Receiving funding from a grant or other source of funds is a great accomplishment. Once the funding is received, the human services organization must be able to manage the funds effectively. The organization must also develop a plan to sustain the program after the funding period ends or the potential for change from the funded program may be limited. Discussion 2: RE:SOCW6070Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services week9 For this Discussion, review the budget provided in the grant proposal that you discussed in Discussion 1 of this Week. Consider how you would prioritize budgetary needs and fundraise to continue covering costs of this program after the grant period has ended. Post a brief description of the budget presented in the grant proposal you selected. Describe how you might alter the budget after the grant ended or which budget items you would prioritize as you sought additional funding to continue the program. Explain why you would make these changes or prioritize specific budget items. Finally, explain how you would fundraise to meet the budget priorities. References Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage. Chapter 9, “Fundraising and Development” (pp. 285–320) Bowman, W. (2011). Financial capacity and sustainability of ordinary nonprofits. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 22 (1), 37–51. LeRoux, K. (2009). Managing stakeholder demands: Balancing responsiveness to clients and funding agents in nonprofit social service organizations. Administration & Society, 41 (2), 158–184. Barasa, E. W., Cleary, S., Molyneux, S., & English, M. (2017). Setting healthcare priorities: a description and evaluation of the budgeting and planning process in county hospitals in Kenya. Health policy and planning, 32 (3), 329-337. Nelson, D., & Ruffalo, L. (2017). Grant writing: Moving from generating ideas to applying to grants that matter. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 52 (3), 236-244. Foundation Center. (2018). GrantSpace: Sample documents. Retrieved from https://grantspace.org/resources/sample-documents/ Note: You will need to create a log-in to the website to access and download the documents. This is a free service. leroux_managing_stakeholder_demands.pdf nelson_grant_writing__moving_from_generating_ideas_to_applying_to_grants_that_matter.pdf barasa_setting_healthcare_priorities.pdf bowman_financial_ca Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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