Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System

Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System
Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System
Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System
Week 6: Assessment of the Abdomen and Genitourinary System 8686 unread replies.8686 replies. Amira is a 27-year-old Syrian refugee who has been residing in a local homeless shelter since her arrival here in the United States 4 weeks ago. She was brought into the emergency room this morning via squad after being found by a shelter employee sitting in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor crying and holding her abdomen. Due to her limited English speaking abilities, she is unable to provide specific details as to her complaints but the shelter employee states that she has recently stopped eating and has not looked well for the past couple of days. Based on the limited information provided, please answer the following questions. How will you prioritize your care of Amira, what assessments will you complete, and in what order? Please provide rationale for choosing this order. Are there any cultural beliefs/practices that must be taken into consideration when planning her care? Considering her symptoms of abdominal pain and bleeding, is it possible that her status aThe term “apparatus urogenitalis” was used in (under ) but is not used in the current .The genitourinary system, or urogenital system, are the of the and the . These are grouped together because of their proximity to each other, and the use of common pathways, like the . Also, because of their proximity, the systems are sometimes imaged together.

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Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System

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Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System

Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System

Discussion: Abdomen and Genitourinary System

Week 6: Assessment of the Abdomen and Genitourinary System 8686 unread replies.8686 replies. Amira is a 27-year-old Syrian refugee who has been residing in a local homeless shelter since her arrival here in the United States 4 weeks ago. She was brought into the emergency room this morning via squad after being found by a shelter employee sitting in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor crying and holding her abdomen. Due to her limited English speaking abilities, she is unable to provide specific details as to her complaints but the shelter employee states that she has recently stopped eating and has not looked well for the past couple of days. Based on the limited information provided, please answer the following questions. How will you prioritize your care of Amira, what assessments will you complete, and in what order? Please provide rationale for choosing this order. Are there any cultural beliefs/practices that must be taken into consideration when planning her care? Considering her symptoms of abdominal pain and bleeding, is it possible that her status aThe term “apparatus urogenitalis” was used in  (under ) but is not used in the current .The genitourinary system, or urogenital system, are the  of the  and the . These are grouped together because of their proximity to each other,  and the use of common pathways, like the . Also, because of their proximity, the systems are sometimes imaged together.

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