discussion about V for Vendetta

IĀ’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

1. Directions: please review the Power Point Lesson titled “Thematic Analysis: Anarchy.” Respond to the questions contained therein and post your responses here.

Remember: Please provide a rationale for why you feel the way you do.

Please refer to direct instances in the text when the question pertains to particular characters/incidents in the story.

Quotes are recommended.

2. Please Review Lesson V Pt II – The Mask. The final slide features several questions you must answer for this discussion board. The lesson itself guides you through these questions, providing resources to help you navigate and reflect upon them.

3. Directions: follow the directives below and answer the subsequent questions (you may review the Culminating Lesson in the Week I folder to refresh your memory about the Psychological Approach)

1. Please define id, ego, and superego in your own terms.

2. If we view the entire cast of characters in V for Vendetta as entities within a single human mind, which character would most likely be

a. id

b. ego

c. superego

Be sure to justify your assertions by including textual evidence, e.g. quotes and references to specific incidents in the text.

4.I’d like you folks to take a look at a few articles relating to feminism and comic books, then weigh in on this business. What do you think? Are these folks justifiably concerned or do they need to get a grip? Why or why not? Where do we draw the line on censorship and PC?

200 words minimum.





5. Directions: Review V for Vendetta. Pay close attention to how Evey is portrayed in the text. Do you believe Evey is a strong character, or a weak character? Give us several examples to support your assertion. If you think she is a strong character, provide us with page #’s, panels, circumstances in which she exhibits that strength.

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