Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics

Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics
Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics
Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics
Unit 1 discussion What Is Nursing Informatics? Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why? Unit 2 discussion Database Search Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity. Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar. CINAHL and Google Scholar PubMed and Google Scholar Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why? How will using a database search facilitate your scholarly work; nursing work (evidence-based practice); and personal self-development? Unit 3 discussion Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally? Unit 4 discussion Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety What is a workaround? Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior was chosen over behavior that conforms to a safety culture. What are the risks? Are there benefits? Why or why not? Discuss the current patient safety characteristics used by your current workplace or clinical site. Identify at least three aspects of your workplace or clinical environment that need to be changed with regard to patient safety (including confidentiality), and then suggest strategies for change.

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Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics

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Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics

Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics

Discussion: Applied Nursing Informatics

Unit 1 discussion What Is Nursing Informatics? Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why? Unit 2 discussion Database Search Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity. Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar. CINAHL and Google Scholar PubMed and Google Scholar Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why? How will using a database search facilitate your scholarly work; nursing work (evidence-based practice); and personal self-development? Unit 3 discussion Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally? Unit 4 discussion Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety What is a workaround? Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior was chosen over behavior that conforms to a safety culture. What are the risks? Are there benefits? Why or why not? Discuss the current patient safety characteristics used by your current workplace or clinical site. Identify at least three aspects of your workplace or clinical environment that need to be changed with regard to patient safety (including confidentiality), and then suggest strategies for change.

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