Discussion: Applied Reproductive Strategies

Discussion: Applied Reproductive Strategies Discussion: Applied Reproductive Strategies There is a collaboration of academic institutions and beef cattle industries called the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle (ARSBC). Their main mission is to educate producers about reproductive strategies and keep them updated on emerging technologies and information. I have attended a couple of their meetings and they are some of my favorite because they tend to keep it more applied. They just finished a virtual meeting that was supposed to be held in Knoxville TN. But all the presentations are now available (some or all??) on YouTube. So, , , ,University of Nebraska Lincoln Applied Reproductive Strategies Research Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Instructions: 1. Go to https://beef.unl.edu/beefwatch/2020/2020-applied-r… and review the program. There are 3 sessions. Choose 2 presentations. a. Cow/Heifer Session b. Bull Session c. Veterinary Education Section 2. Watch the 2 presentations on YouTube. They are found under the BEEF REPRODUCTION TASK FORCE CHANNEL. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLpZWNMIXm83qfMU-kqu_uA). They are about 40-50 minutes in length. Take good notes!! Including, , write things that impress you, that was novel or stood out, or write down anything you didn’t understand. 3. Write a 2 page paper that adequately summarizes what you learned. I’m am going to grade on the following criterion. a. Well written, good grammar, proper sentence structures, and organized in a logical easy to read format.Discussion: Applied Reproductive Strategies b. Show an effort to understand and apply the things that were taught and discussed. So I do have a certain expectation that you grasp and understand the material. I also acknowledge that there are some concepts or material that maybe completely new or difficult. So in other words and to restate in a different way, “This is what I knew, this is what I learned, and this is what I didn’t understand or I have questions about”. You are welcome to find external information that contributes to your paper (references are encouraged!!). What I don’t want to see is a paper that is 2 pages of I didn’t understand what this meant or I had no idea what they really were talking about for 45 minutes. If that is really the case, contact me and we’ll discuss. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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