Discussion Board Guidelines and Participation:

IĀ’m stuck on a Article Writing question and need an explanation.

Discussion Board #1: Article Review

Select an article that touches on the ethical concepts you learned from this week. Post a summary of your article for discussion with your classmates, and answer the following question:

What ethical dilemmas did you notice in your article review for this week? Provide examples and incorporate concepts you learned from the textbook (include reference).

Discussion Board Guidelines and Participation:

Participation means that you have logged into the class AND you have interacted with the professor or classmates through discussion postings and/or email exchanges. This class is highly participative. To receive full credit for participation, you must post meaningful messages on 3 of 7 days during the week.

Once you post your initial response to the discussion question (DQ), which is required, you must post on two additional days DURING THE SPECIFIC WEEK. The initial response is due no later than Wednesday. I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. This is a general guideline to help you understand the depth we are seeking. Remember that our week begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.

You MUST cite your answers pursuant to APA Citation Format. Be sure to cite and quote where appropriate. You will be graded on proper citation, grammar/spelling, and content, so your discussion responses should be complete and thorough and should display an elevated level of analysis.


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