Discussion Board Post about “virtual team” on APA format, need about 700 words.

Need help with my Management question – IĀ’m studying for my class.

Discussion Board Post.

Now that you have all had a chance to experience the formation of a virtual team. I have three questions for you

A.1.How can the level of cooperation and collaboration be enhanced in a virtual team?

2.How can accountability be enhanced in a virtual team?


1. What are some techniques for virtual team members to hold each other accountable?


1. Pretend/act that you had done at least one virtual team assignment for this course.

2. APA format is required, please write an about 350 words for question A (1 and 2 combine). For question B (1) must have another 350 word itself.

3. Please give a short definition about virtual team on the beginning ofA and B it can be same definition or just slightly different.

Thank You!

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