Discussion Boards

I don’t know how to handle this Communications question and need guidance.

PAD 3003


First, answer the discussion prompt. Then, respond to at least 2 peers’ posts.

Posts are due at the end of each module with no grades for late posts. Please answer the prompt early during the module so you and your peers have enough time to respond.

Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.

Review the discussion grading rubric. See Canvas Guide: How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion? (Links to an external site.)


Pretend to be either a Federalist or Anti-Federalist. Make an argument about one of the following current events from your Federalist or Anti-Federalist perspective.

  • Should fighting terrorism be focused on the state or federal level?
  • Should Government build more high-speed long-distance trains?

Should the military/law enforcement be allowed to use spy planes and drones inside the U.S.?

PAD 4723

Discussion 1: Science, Society and Social Research (Ch. 1)

After reviewing the module materials, explain how the issue of overgeneralization is played out in the “Hasty generalization commercial examples” video. Identify another example of overgeneralization in the media or public policy and analyze using the concepts discussed in Chapter One. Cite sources.

Please review the Discussion Rubric in the syllabus before posting.

Note: you are required to post before you can view other threads in this forum.

Rubric PAD 3003

PAD3003 Discussion Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNumber, Length, and Timeliness of Posts (30%)

4.5 to >4.0 pts

Exemplary (100%-90%)

Participated at least 3 times (1 original post and 2 responses to peers). Joined the discussion early within the week assigned. Posts were made in a timely fashion, giving others an opportunity to respond. Posts are substantial, convey ideas fully and concisely, and are at least 3-5 sentences long.

4.0 to >3.2 pts

Competent (90%-70%)

Participated at least 2 times. Posts were generally made in a timely fashion. Others had a reasonable opportunity to respond. One of the posts may be too short to convey a meaningful, relevant idea, or too long/overdrawn.

3.2 to >0 pts

Novice (70%-0%)

Participated 0-1 time. Post was not made in a timely fashion. Student waited until the discussion forum was about to close for that weekly period, thus not giving others the opportunity to comment on the submission. Post is either too short to convey a meaningful, relevant idea, or too long/overdrawn.

4.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInsight and Depth of Contributions (60%)

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Exemplary (100%-90%)

Posts reflect knowledge of course material and of peers’ posts. Posts are not purely opinion-based, but supported with course content, clear reasoning, and reliable external sources (if required). Posts generated in-depth dialogue and interaction: may have challenged others’ posts and did so in a respectful manner; extended discussions already taking place or posed new possibilities/opinions not previously voiced. Remained on topic.

8.0 to >6.3 pts

Competent (90%-70%)

All in all, posts at this level showed good effort. The student made an attempt to internalize and think about the material. Attempted to make connections to course material. Ultimately, though, the sum of the student’s posts lacked sufficient depth, detail, and/or explanation. Posts are not fully supported by course content, clear reasoning, and/or reliable external sources (if required). Generally stayed on topic.

6.3 to >0 pts

Novice (70%-0%)

Posts added little value to the understanding of course materials covered. Little to no insight offered. May have simply rehashed facts/information that is obvious. Only looked for ‘the correct answer’. Doesn’t seem to grasp the concepts nor make connections to course material. Posts are not supported by course content, clear reasoning, and/or reliable external sources (if required). May have made incorrect use of concepts. Strayed from topic.

9.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, Grammar, and Presentation (10%)

1.5 to >1.4 pts

Exemplary (100%-90%)

Perfect (or close to) both spelling and grammar used. Professional and respectful language used throughout. Outside sources, if required, were cited correctly.

1.4 to >1.0 pts

Competent (90%-70%)

Spelling and grammar were reasonable, but not perfect. Attempted to cite outside sources, but possibly incorrectly. Was generally respectful to peers.

1.0 to >0 pts

Novice (70%-0%)

Little to no attempt made to write in proper English. Made mistakes in any of the following areas: spelling, grammar, punctuation. Did not cite outside sources. May have been disrespectful to peers.

1.5 pts

Total Points: 15.0

PAD 4723 Rubric

Discussions Fall 2019

Discussions Fall 2019




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePromptness of Initial Posting

5.0 pts


Post before Thursday, which provides sufficient time for peers to respond.

3.0 pts


Post after Thursday, which provides some time for peers to respond.

1.0 pts


Post on Saturday ,which only provides limited time for peers to respond.

0.0 pts


The initial post is on the last day for the week which does not allow peers to respond.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcome Content of Initial Posting

5.0 pts


Well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the question.

3.0 pts


Well developed post that addresses all aspects of the question; lacks full development of concepts.

1.0 pts


Posts with superficial thought and preparation; doesn’t address all aspects of the task.

0.0 pts


No initial post.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuantity of Follow-up Postings

5.0 pts


Responds to 2 or more peer postings in a timely manner.

3.0 pts


Responds to 1 or 2 peer postings.

1.0 pts


Responds to 1 peer posting.

0.0 pts


Does not reply to any peer postings.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Follow-up Postings

5.0 pts


Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts.

3.0 pts


Elaborates on an existing posting with further comment or observation.

1.0 pts


Posts shallow contribution to discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees); does not enrich discussion.

0.0 pts


Posts no follow-up responses to others.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDelivery of Post

5.0 pts


Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings.

3.0 pts


Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted in posts.

1.0 pts


Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts.

0.0 pts


Utilizes poor spelling and grammar.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0

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