Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical

Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical
Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical
Writing in the voice of your chosen theorist from your Unit 5 Assignment, describe the Conceptual-Theory-Empirical (C-T-E) structure process you used in creating your theory?
Things to remember:
· Review the Discussion Board Participation Grading Rubric, in the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.
· Visit the Writing Center (located in the student portal) for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.
Conceptual Research: Pen and Paper
Conceptual research focuses on the concept or theory that explains or describes the phenomenon being studied. What causes disease? How can we describe the motions of the planets? What are the building blocks of matter? The conceptual researcher sits at his desk with pen in hand and tries to solve these problems by thinking about them. He does no experiments but may make use of observations by others, since this is the mass of data that he is trying to make sense of. Until fairly recently, conceptual research was considered the most honorable form of research—it required using the brain, not the hands. Researchers such as the alchemists who did experiments were considered little better than blacksmiths—“filthy empiricists.”
Empirical Research: Getting Your Hands Dirty
For all of their lofty status, conceptual researchers regularly produced theories that were wrong. Aristotle taught that large cannonballs fell to earth faster than small ones, and many generations of professors repeated his teachings until Galileo proved them wrong. Galileo was an empiricist of the best sort, one who performed original experiments not merely to destroy old theories but to provide the basis for new theories. A reaction against the ivory tower theoreticians culminated in those who claimed to have no use for theory, arguing that empirical acquisition of knowledge was the only way to the truth. A pure empiricist and see if he got a straight line relation between variables. If so, he had a good “empirical” relationship that would make useful predictions. The theory behind the correlation was irrelevant.
Please use the CTE of theory generation to explain how your chosen theory was created. Please be sure to include studies in which the theory was applied.

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Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical

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Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical

Discussion : Conceptual-Theory-Empirical


Writing in the voice of your chosen theorist from your Unit 5 Assignment, describe the Conceptual-Theory-Empirical (C-T-E) structure process you used in creating your theory?

Things to remember:

· Review the Discussion Board Participation Grading Rubric, in the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

· Visit the Writing Center (located in the student portal) for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

Conceptual Research: Pen and Paper

Conceptual research focuses on the concept or theory that explains or describes the phenomenon being studied. What causes disease? How can we describe the motions of the planets? What are the building blocks of matter? The conceptual researcher sits at his desk with pen in hand and tries to solve these problems by thinking about them. He does no experiments but may make use of observations by others, since this is the mass of data that he is trying to make sense of. Until fairly recently, conceptual research was considered the most honorable form of research—it required using the brain, not the hands. Researchers such as the alchemists who did experiments were considered little better than blacksmiths—“filthy empiricists.”

Empirical Research: Getting Your Hands Dirty

For all of their lofty status, conceptual researchers regularly produced theories that were wrong. Aristotle taught that large cannonballs fell to earth faster than small ones, and many generations of professors repeated his teachings until Galileo proved them wrong. Galileo was an empiricist of the best sort, one who performed original experiments not merely to destroy old theories but to provide the basis for new theories. A reaction against the ivory tower theoreticians culminated in those who claimed to have no use for theory, arguing that empirical acquisition of knowledge was the only way to the truth. A pure empiricist and see if he got a straight line relation between variables. If so, he had a good “empirical” relationship that would make useful predictions. The theory behind the correlation was irrelevant.

Please use the CTE of theory generation to explain how your chosen theory was created. Please be sure to include studies in which the theory was applied.

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