Discussion : Culture Client Treatment

Discussion : Culture Client Treatment
Discussion : Culture Client Treatment
Discussion : Organizational Culture and Client Treatment
After reading the assigned resources about leadership types and skills, as well as information about attending to tasks and relationships, you may be starting to develop ideas about how an administrator’s leadership style and philosophy can either facilitate or limit social change efforts. The way in which social work administrators interact with diverse stakeholders such as clients, staff, board members, and community members, contributes to a model of service delivery that emphasizes quality and effectiveness.
· Post how a social work administrator’s personal leadership philosophy and style may influence a human services organization’s culture.
· Also, explain how the organization’s culture might influence a social work administrator’s personal leadership style.
· Finally, explain how interactions with stakeholders may ultimately impact the organization’s treatment of clients. Be sure to provide specific examples in your explanations.
References (use 2 or more)
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
· Chapter 3, “Engaging Strengths” (pp. 47-75)
· Chapter 4, “Understanding Philosophy and Styles” (pp. 77-96)
· Chapter 5, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships” (pp. 99-114)
Culturally sensitive therapy emphasizes the therapist’s understanding of a client’sbackground, ethnicity, and belief system. Therapists can incorporate culturalsensitivity into their work to accommodate and respect differences in opinions, values, and attitudes of various cultures and different types of people.

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Discussion : Culture Client Treatment

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Discussion : Culture Client Treatment

Discussion : Culture Client Treatment


Discussion : Organizational Culture and Client Treatment

After reading the assigned resources about leadership types and skills, as well as information about attending to tasks and relationships, you may be starting to develop ideas about how an administrator’s leadership style and philosophy can either facilitate or limit social change efforts. The way in which social work administrators interact with diverse stakeholders such as clients, staff, board members, and community members, contributes to a model of service delivery that emphasizes quality and effectiveness.

· Post how a social work administrator’s personal leadership philosophy and style may influence a human services organization’s culture. 

· Also, explain how the organization’s culture might influence a social work administrator’s personal leadership style. 

· Finally, explain how interactions with stakeholders may ultimately impact the organization’s treatment of clients. Be sure to provide specific examples in your explanations.

References (use 2 or more)

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

· Chapter 3, “Engaging Strengths” (pp. 47-75)

· Chapter 4, “Understanding Philosophy and Styles” (pp. 77-96)

· Chapter 5, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships” (pp. 99-114)

Culturally sensitive therapy emphasizes the therapist’s understanding of a client’sbackground, ethnicity, and belief system. Therapists can incorporate culturalsensitivity into their work to accommodate and respect differences in opinions, values, and attitudes of various cultures and different types of people.

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