Discussion of Opportunity Cost

I don’t know how to handle this Economics question and need guidance.

Opportunity Cost

Every decision has an Opportunity Cost due to the nature of scarcity, there is always a better alternative not chosen, therefore, there is always an opportunity cost. “The opportunity cost of an alternative is what you give up to pursue it” (Froeb, McCann,Shor & Ward, 2016). When you go to a Maroon 5 concert, you give up $100 of benefits you would have received if you had gone to a Beyoncé concert. Also, you would also avoid $80 of cost for the Beyoncé concert. According to the definition below, the opportunity cost of seeing Maroon 5 concert is $100 – $80 = $20. Please delve into the statement there are always opportunity costs. How can an individual make the best decision? Is there a best decision? Would one miss an opportunity not attending one of the concerts? Include a minimum of one reference. Minimum of 350 words

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