Discussion Responses

I’m working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.

Read through your colleagues’ posts, and respond to two or more of your colleagues in one of the following ways:

Prepare the following:

  • Provide insights or contrasting observations regarding financial and managerial accounting that you gained from reading their posts.
  • Offer other examples, based on your experience or research, of when such accounting data was effectively used or when decisions were made without it and explain the results.
  • Describe trends you observe from the posts of your colleagues and why those are important.


Zimmerman, J. L. (2017). Accounting for decision making and control (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2007). Beginners’ guide to financial statements. Retrieved from https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsbegfinstmtguidehtm.html

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2011). How to read a 10-K. Retrieved from https://www.sec.gov/fast-answers/answersreada10khtm.html

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Discussion Responses

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