Discussion : Stages and Concepts

Discussion : Stages and Concepts
Discussion : Stages and Concepts
Discussion : Stages and Concepts of Development Within Play
Think about the last time you shopped for toys. Perhaps you were buying toys for your own children or children of friends or family. If you shopped online, one of the filters you probably used to find an appropriate toy was age range. While toy manufacturers designate specific age ranges due to the choking hazards associated with the item, they also take child development into account. They know that designing a 250-piece puzzle is neither appropriate nor useful for a 2-year-old who has limited sensory and motor skills. In this discussion, you will reflect on a favorite toy or game as a child and determine which stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development you were in when you played with it.
To prepare for this Discussion
Review this week’s Learning Resources on Piaget’s cognitive development theory. Pay particular attention to the description of each state of cognitive development.
Consider a favorite toy or game you played with during childhood or adolescence.
Using Piaget’s theory, identify the stage of development you were in when you played with this toy or game. How did the skills evident in that stage affect how you played with your toy or game?
By Day 3
Post a response to the following:
Describe your favorite toy or game as a child. Indicate at which cognitive stage of development you were when you played with this toy and explain how your play reflected that stage of cognitive development. Provide scholarly citations and references to support your post.
Note: Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and references. It is strongly recommended that you include proper APA format and citations.
By Day 5
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by identifying a key concept (e.g., scheme, assimilation, accommodation, object permanence) that is present in the play being described and explaining how that concept is exemplified.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

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Discussion : Stages and Concepts

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Discussion : Stages and Concepts

Discussion : Stages and Concepts



Discussion : Stages and Concepts of Development Within Play

Think about the last time you shopped for toys. Perhaps you were buying toys for your own children or children of friends or family. If you shopped online, one of the filters you probably used to find an appropriate toy was age range. While toy manufacturers designate specific age ranges due to the choking hazards associated with the item, they also take child development into account. They know that designing a 250-piece puzzle is neither appropriate nor useful for a 2-year-old who has limited sensory and motor skills. In this discussion, you will reflect on a favorite toy or game as a child and determine which stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development you were in when you played with it.

To prepare for this Discussion

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on Piaget’s cognitive development theory. Pay particular attention to the description of each state of cognitive development.
  • Consider a favorite toy or game you played with during childhood or adolescence.
  • Using Piaget’s theory, identify the stage of development you were in when you played with this toy or game. How did the skills evident in that stage affect how you played with your toy or game?

By Day 3

Post a response to the following:

Describe your favorite toy or game as a child. Indicate at which cognitive stage of development you were when you played with this toy and explain how your play reflected that stage of cognitive development. Provide scholarly citations and references to support your post.

Note: Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and references. It is strongly recommended that you include proper APA format and citations.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by identifying a key concept (e.g., scheme, assimilation, accommodation, object permanence) that is present in the play being described and explaining how that concept is exemplified.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

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