NR524 Curriculum Development Week 8 Assignment Self-Assessment of NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies

NR524 Curriculum Development
Week 8 Assignment
Self-Assessment of NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies
In Week 8, you will reflect upon and complete the self-assessment of core competencies. In Week 1 you competed the assessment and developed a goal for increasing knowledge and skill in this competency. Now, using the same worksheet from Week 1, complete the level of confidence for each item and identify how you met the goal for the competency identified for this course. Submit the assignment by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8. Then place this worksheet in your ePortfolio.
Self-Assessment Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
The purpose of this assignment is to complete a self-assessment of the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies and develop a goal to help meet this competency.
National League for Nursing (2017). Nurse Educator Core Competency. (Links to an external site.)
Completed at Weeks 1 and 8, this document is based on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies of the Nurse Educator (NLN, 2017). Students should drop their assessments into their ePortfolio by Wednesday of Week 8, 11:59 p.m. MT. The Self-Assessment form is located in Course Resources.
This Self-Assessment of Core Competencies is a document that you will use throughout the educator track courses. It is to be placed in your ePortfolio. In each course, starting in NR535, you will focus on a specific area of the NLN Competencies.
Course Competencies
NR535 Competency I
NR524 Competency IV
NR536 Competency II
NR537 Competency III
You are to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1. Next to the assessment column, identify one goal for each competency that you hope to achieve by the end of this course (possible points = 50).
In Week 8, reflect upon and complete the self-assessment and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8. Next to the self-assessment column, identify how you met the goal for competencies (#6 and #8) in this course (possible points = 50).
Remember that you are still in the development stage so not all (or any) of the competencies are expected to be at Level 3 by the end of this course.
As you move through the courses in the educator track, you will pull this self-assessment from your ePortfolio and complete it for the competencies specific for that course. In NR621: Concluding Graduate Experience 1 and NR622: Concluding Graduate Experience 2, you will do a similar assessment but will include all eight competencies. Directions for this will be in NR621 and NR622.
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