IĀm trying to learn for my Nursing class and IĀm stuck. Can you help?
Write a 525-word paper summarizing the path a bill takes to become a law. Utilize your selected health policy issue as the hypothetical bill when delineating the legislative process.
Include the following in your paper:
Possible political strategies that may be employed to push the proposed bill through the varying stages of the legislative process and keep it from being stalled or killed.
Why are these strategies the most appropriate?
How will these strategies influence your particular bill?
Using a conceptual model for policy making from p. 64 in Ch. 7 of Policy & Politics , explain why the bill should be placed on the formal agenda for the legislature.
What potential barriers currently exist that could block the bill from being passed?
How will you keep these barriers from derailing your bills process?
Or create a 12 to 15 power point presentation that includes the above requirements with speakers notes. The introductory & reference slides are not in the 12 to 15 slide count.Or create a flow chart, poster or info-graphic that illustrates your chosen dilemma.
Cite and
reference using APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
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