NU 606 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 15 Discussion Problem-Based Learning Case
NU 606 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 15 Discussion Problem-Based Learning Case
NU 606 Advanced Pathophysiology
Week 15 Discussion
Problem-Based Learning Case
Initial Post
Using the Week 15 Discussion: Choice Question, choose your topic for this weeks discussion. You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, additional references should be scholarly based and be a new source that you are introducing to your peers.
As the adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. That sure does apply to skin disorders. Present your findings in this weeks discussion in the form of an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with images (remember your images need to be cited). You can choose to present your information through voice-over or you can provide the narrative content in the notes section of each slide. The slides themselves should be focused on visual information.
In addition to uploading your PowerPoint, in your initial post, research and present the pathophysiology of the disorder in a clear, well referenced manner. Your initial post should also include the following:
The most common presenting symptoms.
The manner in which your disorder is routinely diagnosed.
A standard treatment plan.
Link(s) to routine screening and treatment guidelines, if available.
If national screening and treatment guidelines do not exist for your disorder, choose a set of guidelines related to disorders that have been discussed in previous weeks. This is a great way for everyone to build a library of guidelines to help with their academic journey.
There is an abundance of information available on these disorders; in your research, look for the nuggets of information that are not common knowledge, or something specific that surprised you when you were researching your topic.
Reply Posts
Reply to at least two of your classmates who did not choose the same disorder as you. In your reply posts, use scholarly information to help contrast or compare information with your classmates. Its important to note that identifying areas of lack of knowledge is acceptable and encouraged to help everyone learn to function in a team-based environment.
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